When can I expect results?
QUESTION: Masters, even though I have decided on using my free will to change the course of my life, why is it that my circumstances do not seem to oblige? I am trying out many different pathways, but I always seem to come up against a dead end. Must I accept this as a message that my lessons from this situation are not over yet, or can I continue to try and change it? In the latter case, I must also put up with the energies of my struggle. I pray for help, but I am wary now because I recently learned from one of your messages that praying gives energy to the polar opposite of a given situation and makes it stronger. ~Indu, India
ANSWER: You are getting fixated upon a specific result that you desire. You are frustrated because your specific expectations are unfilled. We caution all not to get into the habit of placing your intentions into the form of too specific an expectation but rather go toward a goal, the path to which may be winding. When you focus on one and only one possibility, if something even better appears you will not see it because you are watching only for your expected destination.
What is right for you today may not be what you need tomorrow. If you have invested all your effort into seeking what you thought you needed yesterday, and your needs are different today, you will never be satisfied. Be open to the flow of the energy around you. Always reach out to see how a particular situation feels to you. You may find that something you had never considered feels absolutely fantastic to you, and you can stop for a while and bask in its energy field before having to move on.
A soul never chooses only one experience for an entire lifetime, so stop searching for the one thing that will make you happy and complete. When a position does not feel good to you, stop and ask what about it does not feel right to you. Go into those feelings and ask why they are there. Those inner discomforts will show you what is not finished or working in this lifetime. Once you identify these thorns you can remove them and move on with your life.
When you revert to prayer you are saying that you don’t have faith in your decisions, so you want to give the control of your life to someone else to make your decisions for you. You are saying you can’t handle life, so life gives you more with which to deal. That is the part of intensifying what you are praying about. A better practice is to ask your higher self, “What is it that I need to see and finish, so that I may move on?” While this may be seen by some as a prayer, it is a soul searching within to get rid of blockages.