Lessons verses manifestation
QUESTION: Masters, I believe our thoughts create our reality, yet I also believe we come into lifetimes to learn certain lessons. I am trying to reconcile these two beliefs as they relate to my current situation. I am extremely shy, which has caused me great pain my entire life. About 15 years ago, I started my spiritual quest and was so hopeful I could change this behavior using the universal laws. I even made a huge move because I felt I could “conquer” anything by following these principles. I am miserable! I have found it extremely difficult to make friends and feel totally isolated. Family who I thought would help me, have not. Looking back and knowing my personality, what was I thinking?? Can you help me put all of this in proper perspective? Can I change this personality trait and if so, how? ~Adrian, USA
ANSWER: The common factor in both of these principles is freedom of choice. Before coming to Earth you chose the lessons you wished to experience. Your family and upbringing then defined your world for you through implanting belief systems controlling the way you lived your life. Some of these things were rules of behavior for society and common sense, but others were how they thought you should define yourself. These included what you thought about yourself and how you would interact with fellow humans. Your life-lessons came into play here because they influenced the strength with which various things affected your ability to readily change your feeling through freedom of choice—what you call creating your reality.
Your main difficulty has been the way you have approached creating your reality. An example of this is your term “hopeful,” which shows that while you accept you have the ability to create, you believe you might be able to do it but don’t know for a fact that you can. You have given yourself an excuse for not creating what you desire.
Your initial belief systems told you that you are less than other people, not as good as they are. This formed your lack of self-worth and self-confidence, creating your shy persona because it kept you from having to interact with people. Thinking yourself “damaged goods,” you have felt unequal to others and therefore a failure. One of your lessons in this life was to find the inner strength all souls have and to take that power and create the other events you need to grow—to love who you are and have the faith in your ability to create that perfect world. It is not too late. Tap into the power within and, with total love for yourself and for the journey you are on, know you can “conquer” anything and everything. It is up to you; no one can do it for you.