When is enough, enough?
QUESTION: Masters, apologies for the personal question but have I fulfilled my objectives? So many souls have chosen difficult lives. I’ve had an easy time and usually able to turn problems into opportunities. I’m not rich but as an ex-scientist I haven’t lacked money and have been quite lucky with a supportive partner. I was told by a channeled entity, (Bartholomew), 30 years ago that my role was to be involved in groups and help other people achieve their goals. I have been instrumental in setting up several charities, companies and groups promoting vegetarianism, environmentalism and spiritual advancement. I have avoided leadership roles preferring to support others. I’m 68 now and semi-retired so I have time to give talks and write about reincarnation. I have never had direct contact with my guides but believe I receive support during sleep. How do I know if I have done enough? ~Arthur, UK
ANSWER: Before a soul incarnates, they decide what they want to accomplish during their life. Not all lives are “difficult” ones where you have to battle to understand your own objectives. Some lessons, such as yours, are completing the desires you saw for gaining wisdom from working things out on Earth. With this you have been more than successful.
Each project you have engaged in required creating a relationship with others to provide a beneficial result for society. You did not decide you had to accomplish something that would affect 10, 1,000 or 1,000,000 people. You were more interested in creating a base for others to learn that they have the power to manifest what is needed to complete their life lessons. Doesn’t that sound like exactly what Bartholomew said so long ago?
What you do in the future is up to you. There are no requirements to fulfill, books to complete, or people to influence. You have total freedom of choice to do whatever resonates with you.
You have been communicating with your guides in an unconscious fashion – both while asleep and when engaged in deep thought about your projects. A guide will never tell you what to do but will assist by placing ideas in your mind to consider. They have also provided the necessary circumstances for you to complete your desired ventures; this assistance is part of your manifesting abilities.
Stop placing so much stress on yourself; just go with the flow of the universe around you. And if you desire a more substantial contact with your guides, practice meditation with the sole purpose of communication. Just think of a question before beginning the session and then listen for the answer.