What good is negativity?
QUESTION: Masters, why are some people born on a lower energy spectrum indicated by the desire to hurt others? Is it purely psychological or from patterns of many lifetimes? Also, I feel negative and mean sometimes. How can I get out of those patterns and shift into higher consciousness so eventually I can let go of anger, sadness, and fear? Do I need these emotions to expand or should I just let them go and focus on my soul essence when they come up? I’ve seen them as a teacher but don’t want to get stuck in the lesson. ~Sheya, United States
ANSWER: Souls come to Earth because it is the only place where there is negativity, the only location in which to feel hatred and to rejoice in harming another person. Before entering into the arena, the soul has first chosen those events centered in negativity they desire to experience. It generally has nothing to do with what they have gone through in past lives, nor is it a purely psychological exercise.
Every soul creates their own reality by deciding those things in which they wish to be engaged. Through freedom of choice, they may then learn the lessons involved by removing themselves from the negativity and choosing to be positive and loving.
When you find anger and sadness overtaking you, you can give in to it or choose to push it aside and think only of happiness and love. Just as when it is raining you can curse the weather or rejoice in how the air is cleansed and the flowers are allowed to grow, the choices are yours.
Fear is something different. Fear and doubts are the signposts that accompany the lessons you set up for your life. They tell you to look carefully and determine why those emotions are present and how you can exchange that sort of reaction for one of understanding. If you just push fear away, you are not handling the lesson and it will return until you give it attention.
Asking your unconscious, your higher self, to assist you in dealing with the fears will pinpoint for you the underlying cause. This cause is the lesson. You will not get stuck in the lesson if you face it and take it apart piece by piece until you understand why it is present.
Some souls choose to have a mostly negative life, but they shouldn’t affect you. Nothing can impact you unless you permit yourself to engage with it. You are here for your own learning and no one else’s. Let others deal with their negativity without judgment, and work on bringing yourself into unconditional love.