Transgender urges
QUESTION: Masters, since last year, I’ve made friendships with transgender people who never liked their body, and then started to change it. What is the reason of transsexuality in your vision? Could you explain to me why a transgender person wants to change his/her body? ~Vinicius, Brazil
ANSWER: These people are trying to find happiness. They don’t identify with the exterior sex of the body into which they were born. Some have an abundance of the hormones associated with their opposite sex. Others believe themselves to be homosexual but classify their feelings and behavior as being closer to those of their opposite sex and feel justified in becoming that sex.
Their decision to change bodies has to do with who they think they are. If you are in a male body and your dreams, ambitions, and inner feelings all say to you that you are really female, you will do whatever it takes to unite your conflicting images into a single form.
Their transformation generally starts small, with changing their clothing and hair style, adjusting their voice range, and finding others who are going through the same issues – or at least don’t condemn them for their choices.
All these concerns are chosen life lessons. Many are finding and identifying the power within and using it to be who they desire to be in this lifetime. Every soul has been both male and female in prior incarnations. Those who are carrying over unfinished, sexually connected lessons from a prior life will seek to be that sex to complete their work.
Remember, in a spiritual sense, nothing is right or wrong – everything is merely learning life lessons. All souls have total freedom of choice to tackle the tests that they feel are necessary to complete their mission in life. Don’t judge or try to figure out another’s motives. Spend your time working on your own lessons.