I have everything but satisfaction
QUESTION: Masters, I feel I have many life lessons, and have been working on them, as well as on issues from past lives (claustrophobia, fear of being in a fire, etc.). I have even managed to love children and wish for my own, something I swore I would not. Nevertheless, there is something causing me to struggle: whereas most people would like my ‘freedom’ (I am well educated, smart, good looking, rich enough not to have to work for money, have a loving family, and other things I am thankful for), I do not know what to do with it. I want to do something that is meaningful to me and to society, but I do not seem to be able to pick something. Is this yet another lesson? I feel that by not using my ‘potential’ I am failing, even if I have been enjoying my days of liberty! ~Juliana, Switzerland
ANSWER: Each soul chooses its own path. Fears and doubts are before you as an indication of a lesson you have not explored and learned. Your potential is loving yourself for this life you have chosen and allowing yourself to enjoy it. This lifetime was not designed by you to be extremely challenging. It was more a chance to have some rest and relaxation.
Every life is for the purpose of finding out why you have come and how to experience the most that you can. The life is yours. It is not designated as a way to help others, either family or society. You have no requirement to do something meaningful for society. You have the idea that you have obligations left unfulfilled. No, you do not.
Continue to enjoy yourself with no sense of guilt. Experiment with various talents such as art, music, or writing, if it suits you to find something that can occupy more of your time – it may lead to something you can share with others. For now, search for total love of self, and congratulate yourself for all your accomplishments. Help your children find love within themselves and then all of you can share your knowledge with the world.