Are contracts determinative and binding?
QUESTION: Masters, how do soul contracts work? For example if I am from one country and destined to meet someone in another country and I never move, do my soul contracts change or would things happen so that I would always meet that original soul contract? It must be more flexible, with a backup soul contract. Or do things always happen so that you end up with the original soul contract? ~Suyeon, Singapore
ANSWER: Soul contracts arise out of agreements determined by the individual’s freedom of choice. They are not permanent and binding; nor are they punishable by law because there is no judgment. Once two souls talk about something they would like to experience, they agree – what most call “making a contract” – that such and such is desirable. Nothing is absolute because intervening circumstances and choices may make the initial agreement unnecessary or contradictory to the current direction the soul is going.
Freedom of choice is the main factor for structuring the soul’s life. There is no inflexible, non-changing path as you enter Earth’s domain. While you started out with the idea you wanted to experience an abusive relationship and made an agreement for someone to oblige, you may have witnessed enough abuse between your parents to understand that is not something you have to experience personally. Therefore you do not need to have that contract fulfilled.
Once a contract is not needed, the soul chooses another direction and lesson to fill the place of the unnecessary one. To have it otherwise would be predestination, meaning everyone follows a preset plan – much like the lines and actions of a play. This would override your freedom of choice. Instead, you have unscripted improvisation.
Once a desired lesson is understood, and additional instances of that activity are not needed, you are free to move in any direction or to any lesson to which you feel attracted.