Souls at Home
QUESTIONS: 1). Masters, was the historical figure known as “Alexander the Great” considered great or not great after he died during his life review in the spirit world? I’m just curious to see what happened to him after he died, because he is an interesting historical figure. ~Jim, USA
2). Masters, when I record video in my house, I see many balls of light zooming around. Most are white, but some are blue. They move at various speeds, often change direction and some appear to blink. What are they? Is it possible to interact with them? ~Kim, USA
ANSWERS: Once a soul who has lived through a physical lifetime goes back Home, it is amorphous energy existing in unconditional love. The only place where you can find negative and positive feelings is on planet Earth. The only place where judgment exists is in the egos of souls having physical lives on Earth.
Souls who are newly returned or transitioned, having gone through the death process, come from a place where they are used to judging and being judged into a place where everything is acceptance. No thoughts, words, or descriptions are used that imply that one soul is any better or worse than any other soul. “Great” is a description that has meaning only in the negative/positive world.
Once souls have returned, and while they are deciding what they might like to do next, they wander around observing. This is the way they are able to find things they might like to try themselves as a next lifetime. The physical body you inhabit at this time is a complicated complex of skin, organs, systems, etc. A soul has the ability to construct a body, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Most find it easier just to “will” themselves from one place to another in their energetic being.
Most souls traveling around will encapsulate—i.e., create a form, generally a circle, around their essence so it is like a vehicle in which to move. These are generally referred to by those who see them as orbs. They are not readily seen with the naked eye because they are energetic and in a slightly different wavelength from human sight. They can be captured with digital cameras because the pixels catch the disturbances in the atmosphere.
It is possible to sometimes see faces or figures, geometric and pictorial, in these orbs. Occasionally you will even observe several faces where souls have chosen to travel with a friend. The souls on the other side have the same freedom of choice as souls spending a life down here. They can do as they want. Curiosity is what brings them to a place, and if it is highly energetic—whether from personal intention, the enlightenment practiced within, or a gathering of people—they may come in droves.