What causes duality?
QUESTION: Masters, is the main cause of duality being in the physical? Can you have non-duality in our physical, such as on Earth? What is it like being in non-duality where there are not opposites? ~Greg, US
ANSWER: Physicality is not the cause of duality, but it is a necessity for getting a benefit out of duality. Source created souls as pieces of itself to enable it to experience what it was not. It was perfection, but yearned to know what the opposite of perfect was. Earth is the arena created to hold all these opposite energies. It is the only place anywhere in existence that has a duality to its nature. A soul learns its lessons by making choices between negative and positive possibilities.
When a soul is on Earth in a physical body, it is for the purpose of learning the lessons it chose. The only way a soul can be on Earth and not be in a duality type existence is on the rare occasions when a soul chooses to have an experience as an animal. It is a choice undertaken by only 1 to 2% of the soul population. Souls may choose to have a lifetime on a different, duality-free planet, during which times they may have a physical body or some other form.
Non-duality involves specializing in having experiences of a particular sort, like dealing with music, philosophy, theological debates, creating physical things, or spending time on anything you desire. In most non-duality places, unconditional love (if it won’t interfere with the experience) is the prevailing energy. The soul creates its own reality, so the choice is up to you.