Reaching the soul
QUESTION: Masters, how do you send someone a message regarding unfinished Earthly business (the result of a spiritual bond) if they are unreceptive to you, but your soul is urging you on to talk to them?
ANSWER: Each soul has chosen its own pathway in its incarnation. You have made contracts with a number of souls to help you learn the lessons that you chose for this lifetime. When you all entered into your bodies you did so with amnesia as to the desired experiences for this life.
Sometimes, during the process of fulfilling your plans, you remember some of the details. This may occur on occasion when you see the body of the soul with whom you made the contract. Energetically you may sense a need to confer about your life with someone who thinks you are crazy because they do not have the memory that has now become available to you.
Just as you cannot get people to change their mind unless they are willing to be open to your ideas, it is impossible to get them to even listen to you if they are not so inclined. Souls progress through their lessons at different rates of speed, so even if others started at the same time as you, they may not have matched your advancement and learning pace.
If you cannot get the physical vessel to respond to your urging to confer, send a message through your thoughts to the other’s higher self explaining the situation and what you are attempting to accomplish. The higher self may be able to notify the person’s conscious mind that you are making an attempt to complete a contract, but don’t be surprised if the conscious mind ignores its own unconscious mind as well.
If after making all attempts you are unsuccessful, just let the matter drop. The energy is in the air. When-and if-the other is ready to talk, that soul will know where to reach you.