Toni’s work with the Masters
QUESTION: This question comes from someone who sat next to Toni Winninger at a presentation in Bristol, England, and wondered about the connection between Toni and the Masters. “As I sat alongside you this evening, I wondered what your thoughts were. Could you channel my thoughts without my asking you to? How many people in the room did/could you actually channel, and is that scary for you, having all these messages going on at once? How do you cope in a roomful of people?”
ANSWER: The type of arrangement that we have with Toni is for her to be a hollow tube through which, by using her vocal abilities, we are able to communicate with souls having a physical experience.
While she has an almost unlimited ability to tap into things, her desire has always been to respect the privacy of those people with whom she comes in contact. For that reason, she does not enter the minds, thoughts, or unconsciousness of others without their request.
When not channeling, unless there is something she is actively considering, her mind is devoid of thoughts so she may receive without interference the communications directed at her. When channeling, she frequently acts as a translator and is aware of the nature of the message only as she is actually saying the words. We do sometimes create a problem for her when a number of us chime in on a subject at the same time, giving more than one perspective at once. Then she has to try to sort out the various views.
Energy is another thing entirely. Toni is able to read the energy of those around her by focusing on them, if she so chooses. She only does this when she perceives a disturbance in the positive energy of the room, which she might be able to offer assistance in balancing.
When we first began communicating with her we indiscriminately delivered messages all the time, whenever we thought about them. While not frightening her, this did cause her some concern that her life was not her own. We now only speak when a question is asked of her or there is something that she needs to know for her highest and greatest good.