Where are the memories?
QUESTION: In a hypnotic regression, when do all the past lives that are being called up appear and link through the heart or through the mind? Is a person’s soul or subconscious in the heart? When a person follows the heart to pursue a passion like an interest or hobby that passion may be overdone and it becomes a pain or a hurt to the finances. Then if a person needs to use the heart to make a good decision, won’t that be congesting the truth in knowing a life lesson? Which then is the truth? ~Larry, Singapore
ANSWER: The human body is the speaker system for the soul’s memories to come into consciousness. They are not contained in any part of the body. They are energy and can be accessed by intention. It is the mind or head that frequently tells what is happening or has happened to a person in other physical situations. It is the heart or emotional system that allows the person to feel the effect an event created.
Ideas, thoughts, and the recording of historical events are not physical; they are energetic. Energy may be contained within a closed system, but most of the energy of the universe is free-flowing and available at any time to anyone who knows where to look. People have an unconscious connection to everything that was previously experienced by their soul. They merely “call up” the records and they may re-experience the happening with their heart, mind, and body if they either are open to it or, as you mention, have a past-life regression.
The soul is everywhere. It is not contained. It is needed to activate the human body, but some portion of soul energy remains with Source at Home, and some wanders seeking new experiences. The soul does not dictate what the body does. If a person overdoes a hobby, obsession, or interest, it is part of a life lesson that deals with restraint and discipline.
Life lessons are recognized by dealing with fears and doubts. Frequently the heart is needed to begin the process because the mind is unable to face that which it fears. The heart must answer the question “why do I feel this way?” The truth is what each person accepts as reality. There is no one absolute truth shared by all.