Night fears
QUESTION: Masters, I frequently have a sleep-walking type of nightmare where I wake up and I think people are in my bedroom for a period of time before I come to my senses (generally after getting out of bed and turning the light on to inspect the room). Recently it has been a figure above my bed, and a body within my mattress which was terrifying. Other times it’s a bit less extreme but invasion of my bedroom nonetheless. This has gone on for awhile now. Could you offer any explanation? Is it just stress? Thank You! ~Louisa: USA
ANSWER: You may call it sleep walking; we call it journeying while your body sleeps. The soul gets bored if it has to remain completely in your physical body while it is going through the necessary regeneration process (sleep). The solution for your soul is to maintain a minimal contact with the body to keep it alive and functioning and to go off and study other lessons and visit with friends.
If the consciousness of the body is aware during this process, it is called an out-of-body experience, or OBE. You rarely have these. Mostly your sensations are due to the fact that your body consciousness kicks in before your soul has completely re-integrated with your body. You retain a shadow of the spirits you have just been visiting as a prolonged retinal image in the physical part of you.
This is somewhat like an overlay of where you have been on top of where you are now. Think of stepping in front of a projector showing your vacation video on your body as you are doing the dishes or something in the present time. If you concentrate on your actions, you are in the kitchen. If your concentration is on the video, you are at the beach.
The only stress produced is your reaction to the event. These occurrences can do no physical harm to you. Relax, enjoy the videos, and see if you can remember who it is you are getting the last glimpse of as they fade away.