Can we resolve life lessons?
Tuesday, April 17th, 2018QUESTION: Masters, the idea that we assume physical bodies in order to understand emotions and other human characteristics on earth makes sense and resonates as true to me. What isn’t clear is, is it enough to experience these things, when it seems impossible to resolve them in your heart, mind, soul? It seems I have experienced more than my share of negativity in this lifetime and try as I might, I still cannot just let things roll off. They often devastate me. ~Ruby, USA
ANSWER: Understanding, resolving, and integrating these difficult situations is the reason you come to Earth. The soul “gets it” because it started the whole process. The heart is dealing with the physically emotional aspects of the lesson. And the mind is dealing with the repercussions of the lesson as it tries to delineate the learning factors from the ego-driven compulsions of the body as dictated by society.
Without the negativity, souls have no reason to come. Their purpose is to discover who they are as a soul and to see if they can figure out what is negative and how to shed that for the positive opposite. Once a lesson is recognized, that is just the first step. The next one is to make the choice of how you are going to integrate it into your life: embrace or repel.
If you see the test but refuse or don’t bother to work through the steps of finding out why you chose it to be there, it will be impossible to resolve. Judging the “goodness” or “badness” of the event holds you in the ego-based, societal judgment realm. Instead, if you “evaluate” what it means by its presence in your life, you can make the decision how to treat it and it no longer keeps poking you to react.
The “bothering” part of learning is the edge between seeing the lesson and learning the lesson. All lessons come into awareness through the process of producing doubts and fears in your life. If you understand why you chose a particular lesson, you can eradicate its hold and it no longer has any effect upon you.
Letting things roll off you is a sign that the desired lesson has been comprehended. Still feel a pinch? You have more to learn from the situation. Most of the time a continued connection to the lesson involves a belief that has been given you by society – e.g., “That meant I was betrayed or taken advantage of and I need to get revenge.”
Congratulating yourself for getting past the sense of being used by another and into the knowledge that you chose to experience these things, and no one else is to blame, will let you release any lingering emotions. If they devastate you, it is because you are allowing them to do so. Just let it go.