Giving power to others
Tuesday, January 16th, 2018QUESTION: Masters…Why did the master that I had tell me to never believe in some spiritual beings or not channeling them? (why is he so powerful?) You also told me that I can hear my high self and my guides as my innate abilities I choose before coming. I feel that sometimes I want to share messages from my guides and high self on YouTube, but that my teacher’s opinion is still there preventing it. I respect his teachings because he helped to achieve my ‘I am’. I am blocking myself to go further in my path. Is this really my soul path to also share my channeling or should I be careful with it as he told me? Why sometimes I feel the stomach area warm? How can I stop this? ~Santa, Canada
[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]
ANSWER: Teachers come when a student is ready to learn and move forward. When you start with a new teacher, to learn faster you give them your undivided attention and full faith and trust in everything they are saying. You saw this person as a master of all you did not know or understand, so you idolized him. He is so powerful over you because you have allowed this to occur. To change his impact, you merely need to take back the power you gave him over you.
In many learning situations there comes a point when the student becomes as knowledgeable as the teacher, and sometimes even more so. This person does not want students to recognize this, so he instilled certain rules and regulations that would not permit the student to advance beyond him.
Obtaining your own connection to guides who have the intelligence of Source energy is a threat to your teacher because he does not have the same contacts. As you have determined, the information they are channeling to you is very insightful and would be helpful to many people. You would, in turn, become a teacher, and your teacher wants to prevent this from happening.
The teachings that he imparted to you allowed you to reach the degree of awareness where you now stand. If you follow all his restrictions on getting messages from other sources instead of from him, you will cease to advance and may even regress.
During a spiritual journey, the most important thing to understand is that you are the only one who knows what the direction is for you. Rely on those things that resonate with you. Listen to your intuition to commune with your higher self and personal guides.
Your teacher is only human and subject to the ego judgment of the third dimension. The spirits you have been approached by are from the realm of unconditional love where there is no “better than” or “worse than.” Do what feels right for you.
The tension created by trying to stay “loyal” and at the same time following your instincts is causing your stomach distress. Honor your intuition and take steps to do what you desire, and all will return to balance.