Is peace and joy enough?
Tuesday, November 21st, 2017QUESTION: Masters, I have reached a point in my spiritual journey that is very peaceful and joyful. I spend my days very much the same, I love my simple life. I rarely think about the past now; my main focus is the now and sometimes the future. I feel very distant, mentally and emotionally, from the world at large, despite living in the center of a big city. My question: is my focus on my inner peace keeping me from experiences my soul chose to have? I fear being too much in my comfort zone. I have no great dreams or desires other than to Be and feel all the love our cosmic family is sending us. Is being peaceful and joyful enough? ~Gisela, Brazil
ANSWER: A soul comes into a human body to discover who they are as a piece of Source. Source is unconditional love, the epitome of self-love, and exists in perfection. This “knowing” is accomplished by working through the difficulties you came to experience and from which you learn.
When humans have dealt with all the lessons they came to learn, they have choices. These possibilities include continuing to utilize the wisdom they have gathered through their lessons to take full advantage of the abilities and powers they possess, such as creativity, manifestation, and living in love within the negativity of Earth. Or they may become way showers to teach others the path of enlightenment, or return Home to plan another lifetime with even more lessons.
What your soul has decided it wishes to experience will be drawn into your daily life with or without your intervention. Lessons still not finished? The circumstances setting one up will be right in front of you. Practicing spending your time in the now puts you front and center to immediately begin working through the issues you want to understand.
This journey that a soul undertakes is a solo affair. The lessons chosen belong to that soul alone. There is nothing that says you have to be connected or interact with anyone else who may be sharing the planet with you at this time. Even living in the middle of the positive/negative dichotomy, there is no need to partake.
Some comfort zones are areas one enters to not have to deal with their chosen teachings. Your comfort zone is a lesson-free oasis in which you have brought the unconditional love you drew to you through rejecting negativity for an entire life of positive energy.
Relax, enjoy. You are not missing anything you chose to do in this life.