Nighttime adventures
Tuesday, December 6th, 2016QUESTION: Masters, thank you for your continued efforts in aiding humanity. I was told that while I am asleep I have been teleporting and time travelling. This would seem to be something I am not entirely privy to, as I have little recollection of such things – though I have woken up feeling drained. What I was told makes sense to me, but I am trying to learn just how accurate my feelings are. I would appreciate it if you could tell me if what I was told is accurate, and if so what I can do to further understand this ability. ~Steven, UK
ANSWER: Physical bodies have a requirement for a resting, restorative phase, but the soul needs no such time out. While the human aspects are sleeping, the soul does a number of things. Some of these ventures are merely revisiting companions from other lifetimes and experiences mostly taking place in other time or dimensional phases, and others are undertaking new adventures in which the soul takes a part of the current physical body along, or at least the consciousness.
When part of your current consciousness accompanies the traveling soul, this is known within many nationalities and metaphysical concepts as out-of-body experience, astral travel, astral projection, soul travel, and/or remote viewing. Your body may choose to take an active part in the journey, which results in a physical excursion, or may just “be there” as in a telepathic observance.
As with your dream state, such experiences are fleeting to your memory unless you prepare to catalogue the trips as part of your consciousness. At the very least, you need to remind yourself as you enter sleep, deep meditation, or self-hypnosis that you wish to remember what you are about to experience.
Practicing techniques such as remote viewing or astral travel from a semi-conscious state in meditation or self-hypnosis will give you more control and comfort in what occurs during sleep. You can have fantastic experiences once you reach a comfort level and begin to “direct” where your soul goes and in what it engages.