Fact, fiction, reality and thinking too much
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013QUESTION: Masters, I read some people who claim to have been in contact with beings from space, or dimension. The books were reports of a variety of encounters, tests, and fetal abduction. I have a theory that, in many cases, their own negative vibrational give “permission” of contacts part of the stories also contain positive tones. Some of the stories are, of course, fictitious. Another theory that I have been pondering is that it can also be the soul of an agreement between the abductor and the abducted. Such a connection can thus serve both as human lessons such as fear and control. Ex-partner told of his childhood, he saw strangers in the night, whether it was a dream or reality? Can you tell us something about these mysteries? ~Juha, Finland
ANSWER: All souls having a human experience draw to them that which they desire to learn from; this creates the scenario they see and accept as true. People’s reality is based on their beliefs. No two realities are exactly the same because some beliefs will not resonate with a person and therefore are excluded from possible consideration.
A soul who is consumed with Earthly third-dimensional reality will judge everything that comes to its awareness because that is what the ego requires. The soul following a spiritual path will know the only thing of importance for it is the lessons it set up to experience before coming here.
There is a segment of the human population that spends its time providing entertainment for the others. Some of these methods to expand your thinking come in positive ways, but the majority come in ways that titillate you with fear, excitement, and dread. These purported events capture your imagination and cause you to fear or anticipate that the reported activity might happen to you.
A lot of what you have read is not factual and has nothing to do with a soul’s journey for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Spending time on your own justification for the stories of others is like trying to explain why a person turns to the right at an intersection instead of the left – it depends on what they wish to see.
Your ex-partner was having visits from his associates in the nonphysical world. As he got older he no longer “saw” them because he didn’t think he should. Go with your feelings and intuition to accept what you sense is true or to make contact for yourself if you desire. Don’t worry about the tales others tell.