Outside influence
Tuesday, February 19th, 2013QUESTION: Masters, why am I having these dreams, is it a “negative spirit”, am I under attack? I keep having dreams that my husband is being unfaithful in different scenes whether it’s in this life or a past life being portrayed and in these dreams there is always a voice telling me he does not love me, or I am not loved at all by anyone, accompanied by overwhelming feelings of deep sorrow and dread and terrible heartache that feels extremely real. This voice (in my dreams) is also telling me to commit suicide even though I am not suicidal & do not act on these things. I am mentally exhausted and extremely depressed when waking, feeling alone and hopelessness. This has been happening for three years now ever since we moved into this apartment. I am writing to you now as I wake from another night full of these nightmares. ~RDV, United States
ANSWER: Your current apartment came with a trio of discarnate negative souls who have not moved on after their physical death. They are having their idea of fun with you. The one who committed suicide is trying to get you to do the same. The other two were an adulterous couple who were discovered and killed by the husband of the woman. They are playing out the last of their lives within your dreams.
Your husband is not a part of this at all. They have not attacked him because he sleeps too deeply and doesn’t remember his dreams. These are their fantasies, not actual fact. They are trying to see if they can get you to believe in the truth of their stories and take rash actions as a result. They feel this would help validate their lives.
Start sageing your house: use smudge sticks of sage and walk around the apartment, getting it into all the corners. Ghosts hate sage smoke. They also can’t stand candles—the light is too bright for them. When you go to sleep at night, ask your guides and the archangels, particularly Michael, to come and protect you and send the discarnates away.
When you feel their presence, or hear them, tell them to depart and that you no longer wish to have them in your home. You can express the same thought periodically throughout the day to let them know you are onto their games and don’t want to play. They need to move on—preferably into the light, but definitely away from you. Some of the negative energy sticks to you when you awaken after a particularly strenuous night. Shower or take a bath using a little bit of sea salt rubbed on your skin to break their connection.