Timing of transition
Tuesday, October 9th, 2012QUESTION: Recently, a dear friend and companion passed away unexpectedly. You have said that our souls agree to be part of lessons for each other as we live our own lessons. He had recently had an awakening of his soul, he was so alive. Many of us around him are in a time of great change and transition and feel it couldn’t be a worse time for him to leave. It seemed that he wasn’t ready to go. Is there some greater purpose for his departure or was it just his time, his path? Does he know how much he is appreciated and missed? ~Shelly, USA
ANSWER: Each soul decides when it is time to return Home. Your friend did open his awareness before his transition—so much so that he remembered the unconditional love and wanted to return to it. Earth existence—reincarnation—is undertaken for the purpose of learning lessons. One such lesson is to connect with your essence and, through that, with all your past experiences. Just as a photo of a favorite vacation spot makes you want to return for a visit, so feeling unconditional love makes you want to bathe in its energy. Your friend had completed what he came to Earth to do and it was time for him to return.
It is easy to confuse the fantastic physical sensations you may experience with your interpretation of the sense of unconditional love and union being in Source energy. With your limited physical being and understanding you are really unable to do this. Your thinking that his passing couldn’t have come at a worse time, grounds you to the third dimension and ego based judgment.
At home there is no judgment, nothing is better or worse, it all just is. Feel happiness for your friend who has rejoined all his memories, abilities, and soul mates in his desired energy. His physical body may have seemed ready to stay but his soul was ready to depart.
He is able to watch over all his Earth friends and he wishes you all well. He hopes you are able to fulfill your dreams for that life and return when you are ready as he did. There are some of those who remain that he had agreed he would act as a guide or counselor for once he was on the other side. All they need do is open up their hearts and they will feel him. Even though they knew him in life, he will still not be able to tell them what to do, he will only be able to give advice. All have freedom of choice and he cannot interfere.