Sending off negative beings
Tuesday, April 17th, 2012QUESTION: Masters, for the past few years my twin brother and I have been followed by this strange dark heaviness that brings depression and stagnation in our lives especially at home. We want to be spiritual, but it’s as if we’re shot down after any progress. My brother and I have been hearing whispers, seeing shadows and have always felt a dark presence in our home and around us, but more so recently. What is this presence and how do we get rid of it? I can’t even meditate without attracting something really dense rather than something of a higher vibration. Also, since I was a child, mediums have said that I have something attached to me and that it’s not good. Is this all connected? I feel almost as if I’m getting my life and potential sucked out of me. Please help us. ~Mark, US
ANSWER: You have had a negative entity attached to you most of your life. Likes attract likes so your negativity is attracting and welcoming all sorts of other negative things. You find it almost impossible to meditate because you are letting down all of your defenses when you attempt to open to the non-physical world. They take this as an invitation to commune with you. Until you have sent your attachment packing you will never be alone. Your brother has also picked up a hitchhiker.
The energy is very much at home in your residence because that is where the energies can gather and be contained in a friendly environment. You are able to hear and see them because they are getting bolder in their feeling that you are welcoming them into your lives.
Trying to be spiritual is a threat to negativity because it brings in the positive energy of the light. You can use that energy to begin to break the hold the entities have on the two of you. The loose energies, those that are not attached, are the easiest to send away. They do not like light (candles) and smoke (particularly sage).
Use the smoke of a smudge stick to get into every corner of your house. As you are waving the smoking stick around say with conviction that you do not want any negativity to stay—that it all needs to move on. Wave smoke from head to foot around both your bodies as well.
You will need to get assistance to remove the attachments—especially yours, since it has been around so long. There are energy workers in your area who can help break the hold of this negativity. It is very important that you also ask your guides to help protect you in the future from any return of this problem. They will be glad to assist you.