Why spirit contact?
Tuesday, June 7th, 2011QUESTION: Masters, for some years now I have been communicating daily with a very loving and beautiful spirit from the spirit world. I feel there is a very deep and strong bond of love between us. Right from the beginning this has been a very positive and light-filled encounter. We communicate through touch but I would so like to be able to communicate more with him but I don’t know how. I don’t seem to make much progress and I’m starting to wonder if I am perhaps blocking it out of some unconscious fears or doubts. I would also very much like to know why this spirit has reached out to me and what is the purpose of all this? Could it be that we are twin souls? Any advice and guidance from you is much appreciated. ~Anita, Finland
ANSWER: Spirits (souls from the light, or Home) come with the energy of the unconditional love in which they exist. All souls, including you, come from the same Source and contain the same basic energy. When a contact is made you are able to feel that oneness. If you get out of the way of physical appearances, this is possible to sense and feel even between two human beings.
When you planned your trip to Earth, some of your group of friends said they would stay in touch and try to help you remember a little about your abilities and prompt you when necessary. One of your fortes has been the ability to make contact through the dimensions from physical to non-physical. This is the start. Your friend is not your twin soul but a member of your soul group—or soul mate—who is helping out with your training.
You have it in your mind that communication means words, but it also includes thoughts and feelings. Experiment with your friend with these other forms of communication. Ask questions and feel the answers. You are blocking access because you have these preconceived ideas of verbalization. Spirits do not have vocal cords but have very powerful projective thoughts. Clear your mind of your thoughts and concepts and “talk” away.