What is music?
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011QUESTION: For Maria Callas: Is music interconnected to Home (Heaven) and the God Spirit Force? How? Also, is it a spiritual language? Does the dissonant rap music of today have a negative influence on humanity? Your influence on Earth is meant to…? ~Renee-Michele, US
ANSWER: We don’t take requests for specific souls, so a group of us are answering your question for you. In the non-physical state, souls have neither vocal cords nor ears. We communicate primarily telepathically. When we seek to be “heard” by a large group of souls we broadcast our message, so to speak, in vibrational waves—what you perceive as music.
You can see how this is possible if you close your eyes and feel the vibrations transmitted all around you musically. You should be able to feel the vibrations entering your body, your mind, possibly even your soul. Some of these appear to be beautiful resonant combinations and others are discordant, like fingernails on a chalk board.
The first attempt to find a way for humans to communicate with each other was made through musical vibrations, since we had experience with that medium. The subtleties were too difficult for most humans to understand, since they were preoccupied with life lessons; hence, the easier verbal forms were devised. Depending on your background, some of these are not too pleasant to your ear.
During numerous incarnations souls have continued to use music as a means of conveying their messages and thoughts—with varying degrees of success. Your rappers are not really about the music but the lyrics. Their idea is that the music will cause people to be drawn to their statements. The effect that this noise has upon humans depends on whether they listen or not. It can be tuned out, just as something you do not want to hear from a critic may be disregarded.
Our influence is not a dynamic thing; it does not cause things to happen. Rather, we are advisers and counselors giving you an idea of the choices that are available for your selection.