Evil energy abounds
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011QUESTION: Masters, we recently suffered the loss of my stepdaughter in a brutal murder. Until this experience I did not believe in an evil force present here on Earth. But now, after this, I do know evil is here; I can feel and sense its existence. It moves away when I move my thoughts. Does evil live among us? ~Susan, USA
ANSWER: Planet Earth is set up as a duality. There is as much negative or evil energy around as there is positive or good. A person who has concentrated on a positive life may be totally unaware of the evil that lurks so close. It is not until something shines a spotlight on the negative that you see it for the first time. You may always keep it at bay by surrounding yourself with the white light of love or positive thinking.
It intensified your tragic loss to come face to face with the continued feeling of the cause of your loss. This is a lesson for you to understand that you don’t have to accept or give in to a union with evil. As you have already seen, you can keep it away by removing it from your thoughts or counteracting its influence with your intention. Evil does live everywhere on the planet, but you don’t have to have anything to do with it.
The beautiful soul who was your stepdaughter had a contract to leave when she did in order to complete lessons she wished to experience. She does not want you to be overwhelmed with the situation and the aftermath of her passing. You cannot forget what has happened, but at the same time, you definitely don’t have to welcome the feeling of negativity to take up residence around or within you. See each day as a fantastic day filled with the love of the souls with whom you choose to associate. As for those who need evil to fulfill their lessons, allow them to deal with it as they must. Fill your world with love.