Creating Hell
Tuesday, September 28th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, in the Returning Home section of The Masters’ Reincarnation Handbook it states “(the soul) may create whatever it interprets hell to be like.” How is this possible while the soul is Home where unconditional love rules? ~Kevin, Malaysia
ANSWER: The transitional point that you missed in your reading was that the soul, upon leaving the body it has used in a lifetime, doesn’t go immediately Home unless it makes the effort to do so. The entire transition from human being to essential soul is transacted by the decision and with the intention of the soul. Being more in the physical realm at the start of this phase, the thought process of the human ego is still firing away with its “knowledge” of the way things “should be.”
If the soul has accepted a portion of society’s belief that the death process brings it into a period of judgment for everything it has done during the physical life, it will expect to be judged and punished for its transgressions. If it believes it has sinned and merits punishment, it may expect a place or condition it has been told is hell. The soul then creates that place with its powerful intention so that it may move into that next segment of its existence. At that point, the soul is so convinced this is its only possible step that it does not realize it has the freedom of choice to go straight into unconditional love.
If the soul knows it is leaving all judgment behind and going into the area of unconditional love, it can allow itself to feel that unconditional love, immediately bypassing any need for the expected pearly gates and judgment scenario. Even if the soul has created a hell for itself, its guides will stay close and look for any opening in which it asks for assistance, which generally comes when it is frustrated by nothing occurring but the fire and brimstone it has envisioned. The guides will then be there to offer help to the soul to find its way to the unconditional love of the non-judgmental space of soul existence (Home). This can be done, however, only when the soul releases its creation of judgment—its own vision of hell.