Archive for September, 2008

Imperfectly perfect

Monday, September 8th, 2008


Q: This past weekend I sat around and watched a Star Trek marathon on the television. It made me wish that our world could be as fantastic as theirs. They have no need for money, the few diseases still around are easily dealt with, and they experience no prejudices between different races, colors, or creeds. Why do we have to have all this want and strife in our lives?

A: The Star Trek scenario gives you a feel of what some other places in the Universe are like. This experience you chose here on planet Earth exists for the sole purpose of giving you a life full of choices. How can you have choices? You must have an environment that provides options for every event that you confront.

If there were no need for money you could not decide whether to be poor or rich, to be cheap or philanthropic. You could not learn from the experience of poverty to find your strengths and grow in confidence and prosperity, or to find the joy in non-physical things.

Whole lifetimes revolve around dealing with all kinds of bodily ailments: physical, mental, and emotional. If you could just pass a magic wand over your body and come into perfect balance, all your pre-planning—whom to incarnate with, whom to make contracts with, and what difficulties to face— would be for naught. You would have to come back into another life to fulfill the lessons terminated by that wand.

Your soul’s ability to choose your sex, race, religion, and dwelling area presents innumerable possibilities for the attainment of knowledge. How would you be able to experience master and slave, majority and minority, if all were considered equal? The very fact that you can choose to try both sexes—in different lifetimes, of course—allows great variety.

In obtaining wisdom from gathered knowledge, the way you see life now cannot be bettered. Continue with your present pathway—maybe next time you will choose to enjoy rest and relaxation in a dimension like Star Trek.

Seeing both sides of the coin

Friday, September 5th, 2008


Q: I am absolutely amazed at the situations that have been coming my way. They seem to be of two different kinds, the fabulous and the horrible. You have said many times that we bring to ourselves that which we need to experience, so can you please tell me why I would apparently be getting both sides of the coin? Isn’t seeing the head side enough to know that the tail is on the other side?

A: First, let us say to you that you should never assume anything. If you assume that the coin will always have opposing sides, then stay away from con men for they will use that assumption to fleece you. Assumptions are extremely limiting in that you are so sure an event or fact will occur that you are not open to something more wonderful that may happen.

Now for your question: are you so very sure that the situations you are having are polar opposites? Can’t you see that you are just brushing off experiences instead of delving into them and learning from them? What you are living through are events that are mirroring for you what is and what is not part of each learning experience.

You bring a lesson to yourself to learn. You go through the event, hastily forming assumptions about the outcome. Then, in replaying the way you handled the situation, you derive a “fabulous” experience from observing only the outcome you anticipate or will acknowledge—in other words, only part of the equation. The “horrible” experience arises from replaying all the pieces of the initial event that are needed to completely understand what was being taught—in other words, the pieces that led or could lead to a different outcome.

You need only go through an event once if you are totally open to all its aspects. Look upon your lessons as wondrous things that you have not had the opportunity to learn previously. Don’t make judgments concerning the rightness or wrongness of your life lessons. Feel the sensation of each new adventure, entertaining all the possibilities available to expand your knowledge.

Earth animals

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008


Fellow souls, we have been getting a lot of questions about family pets lately. Most people seem to think that animals have the same type of thinking processes and emotions as humans. That is just not true. Most animals are energy that has been created to provide experiences for and to assist humans.

Some animals are around to balance nature and provide a diversity to the life upon your planet. Most of these animals do not have a soul that is broken off from the Creator as you are.

While it is true that a very small percentage of animals upon the planet do have an interchangeable soul—that is they have made the choice to have experiences both in the body of a human and in the body of an animal such as a horse, a dog, or a cougar—the vast majority of souls restrict incarnate experiences to being human. Less than one percent of souls choose to be interchangeable.

That being said, it is easy to see that the majority of animals are living things who are around to help people with their life. They take cues from their owner as to emotions and responses to stimuli. If you are uncertain  how your pet will respond to an additional animal coming into its “own” home, you will soon see jealousy and the attempt to get your attention.

When an animal, such as a cat or dog, has been an “only child” and a new “child” (another pet) is introduced into the household, of course it is going to resent the loss of time spent with it because of the new animal.

The responses of animals are not different from those of human children. You are uncertain about an animal’s feelings only because it cannot verbalize its displeasure as a child can. If you want to get a sense of a pet’s feelings, try putting yourself in its position and see how you perceive the situation.

One thing that animal energy has in common with interchangeable souls is that once it returns to its pure form at Home there is nothing but unconditional love. No grudges, hatreds, regrets, or disappointments bridge the dimensional gap to our spiritual Home. Your animals love you unconditionally for allowing them the experience they had with you.

Love, light, and laughter.

The Masters of the Spirit World