Developing a language
Wednesday, August 1st, 2007Welcome, fellow souls! We are very pleased that you have taken the time to come and visit our site and to “feel” our message to you. We are very excited about being able to pass our teaching and information on in this fashion. We are delivering this message to you now through our faithful channel Toni, whom we recruited years ago to interpret our vibrational energy into your language so that we can be of assistance to you.
We are a group of souls whom you may refer to as “Enlightened Masters.” None of us is currently engaged in physical experience. Our number is a mixture of those who have ascended from physical form (having learned all the lessons we chose to have as human beings), together with some very learned and enlightened souls who are back Home deciding whether to experience further lessons while offering assistance to those of you who are immersed in another series of third-dimensional Earth lessons. Some of us are celestial beings who have never incarnated on the Earth plane (and to whom you have historically referred as “angels” and “archangels”).
In this, our first message to you, we decided to define what we mean by some of the terms that we will be using during our forthcoming messages. We are aware that your language is imprecise in the understanding of some similar words. We also know that some human teachers have adopted and adapted words and phrases which for us have commonly understood concepts, and these teachers have assigned meanings to them which differ from ours. So, because we do not wish our explanations to be misunderstood by you, we have chosen to begin with a few definitions.
We do not speak in the vocabulary of any organized religion because your religions are constructs within your world to provide guidelines on how to conduct your lives. We know that all souls have freedom of choice to experience whatever they feel can best teach them what they need to learn. We begin with just a few words that are the essence of our message and our existence.
Creator, God, God-Force, Oneness, Supreme Being, Spirit, Source. These terms, and many more, all refer to the point of origin of all that is known by you, and all that exists.
Source (or any of the regularly used terms in this genre—feel free to use them interchangeably) is the energy of unconditional love and, when viewed in your judgmental way, of perfection. The Source itself makes no judgments; therefore nothing is right or wrong, but simply whatever experience the soul seeks to undertake.
Everything within that which you call the universe, and within the entirety of your human understanding, is energy, and energy is everything. Source is the highest vibrational energy anywhere and is found in everything. It permeates all that exists but does not interfere with or prevent the soul from having physical experiences.
Souls. When Source wanted to experience other aspects of existence that were not perfect or of unconditional love, the only way to do so was to split off parts of itself into individualized pieces of energy that could have distinctively unique experiences that were outside the perfect. We refer to these separate pieces as souls, but remember they are all pieces of Source, so each and every soul is also Source. We addressed you as “fellow souls” because we originated from Source in the same fashion as you did, and likewise we share the distinction of being divisions of Source. All parts of Source are the same, even though some have chosen to have varying types of human experiences. All souls are equal regardless of the human “shell” they have chosen to inhabit. No one soul is any better than any other because no one piece of Source is any better than any other. Is a finger or toe of your body any more important or better than any other?
Home. Within modern religious understanding this may be equated with Heaven, Nirvana, Sheol, Tian, Swarga Loka, The Garden of Eden, or
The Masters of the Spirit World