Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

Finding peace

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I have tried my best to learn everyday good and be good. I have made mistakes. My parents have had their own journey and had a lot of negativity. Talking, discussing, is rare without anger. And asking for anything has not been something they are ok with at all. I had started standing up for myself but that only made things worse. Recently I did not and accepted whatever was said quietly. I attempted this because someone said they would ensure things did not get out of hand if I kept quiet and listened. They did not really take care or could not and I feel terrible and hurt. Not only upset with my parents but very let down by the person who I trusted but who just accepted horrible things being said to me. How do I change / what do I do, to find peace? ~Lr, India

ANSWER: To find peace you have to work on the life lessons that are causing all this: finding self-confidence and self-love, releasing guilt, and having faith in yourself and your decisions. Your parents are fearful that you will recognize that they are lost and not in control of their lives. They need to feel powerful, and they accomplish that by manipulating you and putting you down so they can feel superior.

Your would-be “savior” is also fearful of life and wanted to curry favor with your parents by offering you up as a sacrificial lamb, thinking everyone would learn from the experience. They truly believed in communication as the way to straighten out difficulties but had no idea how really horrible your situation had become.

Now the next step for you is to analyze why the things said to you had such an impact. Do you believe what was said was factual? You know in your heart that it was not, so why did it affect you so strongly? That had to do with your belief that you are causing some of the problems by your prior actions, that you have not been “good.”

This is ridiculous. You are believing that the demands of your parents are what make a good child. Rubbish. A lot of what they want has nothing to do with fulfilling your obligation as a good child. You frequently know exactly what makes sense in any situation, but when your parents say no, you acquiesce to their way of thinking. It’s time to start having confidence in your feelings.

Know what resonates with your soul. Develop more self-love for all the hard work you have put in during this life. Congratulate yourself for choosing such difficult lessons and moving through them. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should think or do. Have faith in the way you think things should be handled, and then carry them out.

Multiple twin flames

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, can we have more than one twin flame encounter in a single incarnation? Many of the so-called you-tube channels on the internet are now expressing the possibility, and personally claiming to have knowledge of more than one aspect of the same soul, although very rare. This can be extremely disturbing and confusing for those listening. Can you explain as to whether “Multiple Twin Flame” experiences really do exist, and to please help clarify for those seeking the divine truth? ~Jilian, USA

ANSWER: Each soul has one and only one twin soul or twin flame. They were broken off from Source as a whole and then split in half to form two individual souls. They are identical in all things until they start having their own duality experiences. When both incarnate at the same time, all they want to do is share with each other and cut all other souls sharing the lifetime with them, including family and friends, out from that existence.

It is rare for twin flames to share a lifetime because their original reason for coming, to learn their chosen life lessons, is placed on hold and nothing gets done. Each soul has 144 other souls within their soul group who frequently share lifetimes together so that they may assist each other with their work. Many people construe a soul group member to be a twin flame because their connection may be very intense and even volatile.

It is even possible for a soul studying romantic love to have set it up to meet a series of soul group members in order to examine various types of love and relationships. When sharing with a soul group member, their energies are so similar, since they came into existence near each other, that they appear to almost be a twin flame.

Anyone on Earth can say anything they wish without needing a grain of truth or validity to their words. You are living in a duality where a tool is being able to judge what you want to believe. When you step away from that ego judgment, you use your feelings to evaluate if what you are hearing is something that resonates with you and that you desire to make a part of your belief system. You have freedom of choice; discern what you wish to be a part of your reality and then move forward.

Honor yourself. Make your own decisions, don’t let anyone else tell you what you feel or believe. Make your own choices.

Parenting responsibilities

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I have a question about parenting. I fear I have lost my energy about it, am doubting what I do and what and how I can or cannot control. The situation with my ex-husband makes it more difficult, we cannot cooperate well for their sake. I fear I am closing up myself to them despite all efforts I take, and despite I feel my life took a better turn and I open myself more and more to the bigger picture I learn about. How could I let go of wanting to be the best and not take on the immense responsibility for all? ~Lorena, Hungary

ANSWER: There is more than one way to look at “parenting.” There is society’s way, where the parents are responsible for everything that the child does and believes. There is the spiritual way, where it is known that each soul is responsible for its own life and learning. And there is the child’s perspective, either wanting the parent to do everything for them or to leave them completely alone to find their own way.

There is no right or wrong answer to this dilemma. Whom do you want to please: society, the child, or yourself? As with all souls, a child will not do anything that they do not choose to do. So, no matter how hard you work, if they don’t want your interaction it is wasted.

On the other hand, if you do everything for the child, you are preventing them from learning the lessons they came to experience, because one works their way to understanding by using their freedom to choose negative or positive actions. Every soul chooses their environment, so your children are always part of the selection process of the type of family they will enter. In this case it was inevitable that the family would be split, with different parenting skills being provided by each parent and the child having to decide through their freedom of choice.

A soul comes to Earth to experience a lot of different things. The primary purpose is to find out who they are as a soul and what elements of living they wished to encounter. Your opening is to the possibilities of a soul having a human experience, and all that implies.

One aspect of spiritual growth is removing yourself from societal ego judgment. Determining what is “best” is a judgment and simply a comparison of your actions versus the activity of another. Go into your heart and see what feels like the assistance you can provide without judging it against other people. You are never responsible for the decisions made by another – even your child.