Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

How long are you responsible?

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I have a step-son whom I raised as my own since he was 2, now 31. Unfortunately he chose to escape his problems through meth which caused severe brain damage and drained us financially. He refuses medical help, yet he is always talking with people in his head. He gets violent and has spent time in jail. Back home, he is unable to work or care for himself. My husband and I love him but are afraid of more violence. Has he attracted earth-bounds? Is this karma? ~Sandi, USA

ANSWER: Your stepson chose a very difficult lifetime. He has never taken any responsibility for anything he has done. He has been bailed out by his loving parents and has taken full advantage. You agreed before coming here to share this life with him. For you and your husband it is to recognize that at some point you must leave him to his own devices and honor yourselves and your journeys.

You are not responsible for your stepson and his problems. He is not in a position to work on himself because he feels he does not have to; someone will always come to his rescue. It is time for “tough love.” Put him out – find a halfway-type house for druggies or those with mental problems and let him learn that he needs to take responsibility for himself and get the help he has refused. He is not beyond hope, but he has to make the choice to ask for help. As long as he has you running interference for him he will never change.

All souls come to Earth to see if they can learn to make choices for their own growth and understanding. As long as they are not put into the position of having to make those choices, they will take the easy way out of relying on others. Stepping away from your stepson at this time does not mean you don’t love him. It shows you love him so much you want to force him to be in a position to get help.

He is an extremely negative person and does have other negative entities around him. None has entered his body, but they will remain close to him as long as he stays so negative. In this condition he is potentially dangerous to you and your husband because he thinks you will do whatever he wants you to do as long as you allow him to remain in the house, and if you refuse he will try to force you.

This is not karma because karma, as understood by Eastern philosophies, is punishment for bad things done in the past. Karma does not exist after you leave the negativity of planet Earth. This is just an example of life lessons jointly agreed upon.

Lesson from a cheating husband

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I feel that my whole life has been turned upside down. I have discovered my husband has been having an affair. This is the second time, the other being 7 years ago when I was pregnant with our son. I was married previously and suffered emotional abuse. My husband is sorry for his actions, he lost his mum at age three and I believe he has abandonment issues. I am in so much pain and my emotions are all over the place. Is it a life lesson on accepting him with unconditional love or is it to move on alone? Does he really care or is it something that will be repeated again down the line. ~Debbie, UK

ANSWER: What does losing a parent have to do with cheating on you? Your husband is a victim type. He blames his childhood difficulties for all his acting out. You on the other hand have insecurity issues; you drew your first husband to you because you had no confidence in yourself and at first saw his action as normal. It wasn’t until you opened your eyes that you realized you had a choice not to be abused.

After that relationship your energy was bruised and your husband saw an easy person who would not question his actions. This is not the only time he has pleased himself in addition to when you were pregnant. Whenever you were not observant of his needs he went elsewhere. He is a very needy person who feels it is all right to search wherever he can for comfort. He professes his sorrow only because he was caught.

You have a gorgeous child who needs to see you stand up for yourself. You are still being abused – this time it is psychological abuse. Choose what type of life you want to live. Your emotions are cycling between being hurt and blaming yourself in some way for your husband’s actions. You are as strong, magnificent, and worthy as any other soul. Give yourself credit and stand up for yourself.

If you decide to stay with your husband, talk the situation out with him. Be vigilant about all that he says to you and what he does. Make him responsible for his actions. If he cannot tolerate having only one partner, run, do not walk, away from him. You do not deserve to be with a man who does not honor you.

Love or sense of security

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I got married under pressure from my parents and now am divorced. I am in love with a boy younger than me and he is less financially stable. I was about to get married but I called off as I feared his finances will not sustain our marriage. My parents are glad that I called it off. Yet I am of 2 minds. What do I do? Please others or trust my decision in marrying him? ~Namrata, India

ANSWER: Your current situation presents three distinct issues to you. First is your need to please others. This comes from relying on your elders as you grew up. People are always wanting others to listen to them and do what they say. It is time to realize that others have no idea what is the best thing for you because they are not living your life. Take responsibility for your own decisions and ignore what anyone else has to say.

Your second problem is not allowing yourself to accept your inner feelings. What comes from inside you is the real you. All those thoughts that you argue about in your head are repeating what has been told to you by others and may not resonate with your energy. Feelings are yours alone; following them permits you to love yourself and what you are doing.

Thirdly, you have convinced yourself that financial security is more important than love. This is a societal belief and has no factual basis. Haven’t you ever seen those who have all the money they could possibly use and yet are unhappy because they have no friends and do nothing but seek after money?

Security itself is an illusion. Having all you want does not ensure that you will be able to maintain that state forever. Financial markets fail, nature destroys your property, loved ones pass over without leaving many assets, and what you thought was giving you security ceases to exist.

As a loving, knowing, magnificent soul, you have all the knowledge to decide what you need in this life to have the experiences you chose. Be concerned only with the moment. The past is gone and the future hasn’t come yet. If you spend too much time worrying about, or planning, your future, you will miss living the present.

The physical age of a body does not give you an indication of the age and experience of the soul. Let your feelings tell you what you share with a potential partner.