Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

More than one love

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, after several years of marriage, and two daughters, my wife was unhappy with the marriage and was involved with someone else. We separated for a few months, during which we suffered. I learned a lot on my personal journey. We came back to live together in order to build a more solid and more complete relationship, however, I realized that her feeling toward that person was very strong and I doubt if she found her soul mate and she should not have explored this relationship and lived longer. I was messing her happiness to go along with that person and should seek another relationship to me? Or I’m her soul gem and the presence of that other person in her life was just for the two of us could wake up to the necessary changes in our relationship? ~Igor, Brazil

ANSWER: Every soul who is in a human body can feel the energy of those with whom they come in contact. This is generally not a conscious knowing but rather a yearning or pulling toward another, particularly to those souls with whom they have shared previous lives.

Most people feel that, when they come to Earth, there is one and only one person of the opposite sex for them. This is not true. Sometimes it is not even a person of the opposing sex but of the same sex. People can grow apart if they do not grow spiritually at the same rate during a marriage.

Your wife loves you, but she also has affection for this other man. Just as a father can have love for each of his children at the same time, an adult can have a love for more than one. You and your wife had grown away from each other in the period before she found this man.

The future is up to the two of you. There is no right or wrong answer. There is nothing which says you have to stay with your wife, or she has to stay with you, or she has to go to this other person. You each have the freedom to choose which feels best to you. Do not stay together to try to make something work if you can see that it isn’t going to. Talk it out; let her know your feelings.

You have no obligation to leave to make her happy. You have to honor yourself. Do, or try to do, what you feel is right. But be able to accept when something is not working out and it is time to move on to something else. Love yourself enough to step back and look at all sides of the situation without emotion.

Confusing love life

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I met a man last year, we only stay together for a little time because I was very worried with his angry behavior. He complained a lot, was rude with me sometimes, but in other hand he was very kind. I was worried too to bring him to my home and my family. I broke up with him, but I liked him and three months later He started to date a neighbor. It’s not the first time this kind of thing happens to me. I have some fears about relationships, please, help me. Who is this man? What’s wrong about me? What’s my lesson? All my life is stopped for a long time. ~Adriana, Brazil

ANSWER: You are desperate to have a romantic relationship. In the beginning of all your connections with men, you let them treat you any way they want because you feel that is necessary to get them to stay around. You have an intense need to be needed. You do not love yourself or value yourself. The fact that someone can be nice to you ten percent of the time does not make for a good relationship. Demand a companion who shares and cares one hundred percent.

Your fear of relationship comes from being placed into a situation where you were someone’s toy, or even punching bag – all for the minimal amount of attention it brought to you. It is time to accept the fact that inside you are a beautiful soul deserving of love and care. The next step is to demand this before you allow another man into your life.

Create a series of affirmations of how you see your life developing in the near future. Affirm to yourself that you are the one in power over who comes into your life. Affirm that you deserve to be treated as the magnificent soul that you are. Affirm that you will not permit yourself to have any negative thoughts about allowing another to control you just to get a little romance. Take back your power and create a new you and a new world to play in.

A “safe” liaison

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I recently met a spiritual friend on Facebook who is running a meditation center. We shared lots of spiritual experiences. He always tells me that he feels we have known each other and he is so attracted to me…  I love chatting with him, always looking forward to his messages. Now I’m falling in love with him. Both of us are married. I’m so drawn to him. Is there any connection between us, why is there so much love and attraction for him. Why do we have to meet at this time…  I feel loved, happy and life is so exciting with him around in my life. ~SS, Singapore

ANSWER: Humans are always attracted and drawn to what they see as better than their current situation. Long-distance communication is very safe for both sides. You can say whatever you want the other person to hear and not have to be concerned about being found out if your words aren’t completely true.

You have created an “ideal” partner in this man because you have “seen” only what he wanted you to see, and you have “heard” only what you are seeking. Your husband is right in front of you and you can pick out all the things that annoy you, so this other man looks superior.

During the time that you have been establishing a friendship, you have talked only about the things in which you share an interest. Since your husband is not open to all the metaphysical things you crave, this man shines in comparison. Day-to-day life is totally different from a dream world created with partial facts.

This man appeared at this time for you to see and feel what spiritual unconditional love can be. This man spends his time in unconditional love when he is in, and teaching, meditation. He shares his knowledge with all equally. He sees in you a student who is yearning to experience higher vibrations.

You have spent lives together before, but, like this one, each was for the purpose of stimulating growth. Every soul creates its own reality and direction. Examine what you wish the rest of your life to be; look at the people in your life and see who helps with your plan and who does not.