Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

Reading sexual attraction

Tuesday, January 10th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters a few days ago, I met a wonderful man – loving, honest and truthful. We could be with each other only for 2 days. I sensed between us closeness and silence and love that I haven’t felt elsewhere, apart from mutual attraction. Within this extremely short span of time, we were faced with extremely difficult choices and emotions as he felt committed elsewhere. I wish to what was the purpose of this meeting? Was what we felt between us merely sexual attraction? Are these feelings mutual? Have we known each other before? ~Bodhi, India

ANSWER: You had a very strong sexual attraction to this man. You are a romantic at heart and saw it as an answer to your prayers for a loving, fulfilling relationship. You immediately began to dream of a lifetime together because this contact made you feel so good. Nothing had ever been this intense before, so you convinced yourself that it was something you had planned for this life.

For the man, it was also a response to his sexual attraction and really nothing more. This man is in a committed relationship and has no desire to leave it. When he found you so willing to follow your attraction to each other, he took full advantage of it even though he knew he did not want it to interfere with his current partnership.

You went into this affair pulled by your emotions and girlhood dreams of a fairy tale union. He was spurred on by a bout of sexual frustration that he had to satisfy. His thoughts were for releasing his tension and having fun with a very willing and attractive person.

He does not love you as you have convinced yourself that you do him, but he would have no problems carrying on together with you whenever you find yourselves in a same situation as this one. It would never result in a permanent, committed relationship.

This lesson for you was to be able to discern reciprocated true love from infatuation and sexual attraction – to analyze and differentiate the actual occurrence from a dreamlike desire. In a spiritual sense, this was an acknowledgement that the human body has certain needs that it is best to meet rather than always be left with frustration.

Forcing human love

Tuesday, December 20th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I have three nieces and two nephews from my husband’s side of the family. I wish I could say I love them but I do not. I only like them a little bit of the time and I feel guilty about it. I feel like the children are indifferent towards me, there is no genuine affection. They only seem to care about the gifts we can buy. Sometimes I feel like their parents and their grandmother stands between me and the children, that way preventing us to bond. Is that a true fact? Can you please clarify the situation? I would love to have a caring and loving relationship with them as I see so many aunts saying they absolutely love their nieces and nephews. ~LíVia, Brazil

ANSWER: Why do you think you have to love them? Just because you have heard others love their relatives? You have no obligations toward them, nor they to you. Do you love every person that you have knowledge of in the world? Marriage does not convey love for relatives with the ceremony. It is a contract between the two spouses only.

Children of their age reflect what they are being told at home. Your husband’s family think you are not good enough for him and have nothing to contribute to the family. Therefore, they have instilled in the children that you are just something associated with their uncle, much like his work associates. Things will not change unless the children decide on their own that you are someone with whom they choose to share their lives.

You should not consider the actions of these people as any reflection on who you are as a person. Send them love and find someone else who needs your personal touch in their lives. Honor the fact that this branch of your extended family does not share your desires for connection and let them be.

If you crave having a close connection with more people, do volunteer work with needy people, seniors, sick and abused children, and those praying for human compassion. A person doesn’t have to be societally connected to you to become “family.”

Understanding the rejection

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters what is this theme of rejection in relationships that keeps running through my life? For a long time, a drive towards a partner was more about lack and trying to fulfil unmet needs, not a true heart-based good feeling. Of late, it feels good to draw someone in to share with and grow. But both connections this year quickly ended in the same result – rejection. This theme has become boring, but I seem to draw it to me no matter what. Is this a theme to work through? Is it a sign that attempting to connect to anyone is not my path in this life? I am prepared for the possibility that a relationship on this level in this lifetime may not happen, but my conscious choice would like to experience otherwise. ~CR, Australia

ANSWER: As with all souls, you did not set up specific conditions for your learning of lessons. It may be that you end up without connecting with someone in a lasting, romantic, sharing way, or you may understand the lessons of rejection and clear your way for such a connection. It is up to you whether and how fast you unravel the feelings you have.

The period of your life in which you spent your time having sexual exploits without any real concern for your partner or why you were doing it, outside of the physical release you desired, created a pattern of behavior of which you have not totally rid yourself. Within your energy is an egotism that does not indicate you are interested in sharing. It says you are in any contact for what you alone can get out of it.

Regardless of the fact that you think you have changed the way you approach a potential partner, your expectation precedes your actions. When you enter into a new association, your fear of rejection is always with you. You amp up your intensity to show them what a great person you are, and the result is that they feel the union is all about you.

A heartfelt communication is missing in all your attempts. It is so important to you for them to feel your need to create a sharing relationship that you over-talk them. Before saying anything, stop and reach out with your senses. What does the energy around you two feel like? Is there hesitancy, fear, intrigue, selfishness, or selflessness? Take your cues for your conduct by what you feel.

Put aside expectations and anticipations and just go with the flow of the world around you. If you sense fear or doubts, stop and ask your unconscious what is causing these feelings. The lessons you have not faced or learned from will be the answer. Address the issues originating from yourself before you open up to a sharing, and you will no longer frighten off people – which will prevent rejection.