Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

Creating a comfort zone

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, I have been dreaming the same dream for almost two years. I’m single and have no relationship but I have dreamed a lot about maternity, pregnancy, babies, twins. Last dream, in January, I saw myself pregnant, with a baby bump, and after that, I saw the moment I gave birth to twins and saw their cute faces. I also have dreamed about the same guy who is always the father of my kids. I have seen many symbols like repeated hours and numbers that are related to birth date of this man. So, what does it mean? Am I just having a romantic fantasy with this guy or do we have a connection from past lives, like soul mates? I very often have romantic dreams with him who I feel happy with. ~Priscila, Brazil

ANSWER: You are living a fantasy life that is very safe and can be entered when you want but is not intrusive into your everyday existence. You have fashioned the participants exactly as you would like them to be. Your imaginary partner has only the best of qualities that you can envision, and you are free to do what you desire without having to deal with the mundane things of life such as food, exercise, and marital disagreements.

You are writing a scene that is not challenging or threatening. You have an incredible need to feel loved, so in your mind you exist in a world of unconditional love. You have always thought that the ultimate love is that between mother and child and that is why children figure so prominently in your stories. But in your dreams there are no painful deliveries, sleepless nights, dirty diapers, or crying children – just love.

You have focused on this man because of his physical attributes without knowing anything about who he really is except for the personality you have created. You are compatible because you make it so. It is interesting that you say this man is the father of your children but never talk about a relationship between the two of you.

It is time to make some decisions. Do you want something physical or just something like you had as a child with dolls and dollhouses? You could bring a mate into your reality but not while you fear it will not be as you have dreamed. It is necessary that you work at a union where you make decisions together and share in the life choices.

If you wish the fulfillment of an actual family, you have to bring your dreams into the physical. Start your search by defining what it is you see as a satisfactory relationship. Decide what you want in a husband. Begin talking to others about what would be ideal conditions for a family. Then it is time to go out and start looking for that perfect mate.

Why can’t I make friends?

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters for all my life I never could have a close relationship with almost all members of my family and this makes me sad. Even regarding making new friends I find it difficult most of the time and I always feel jealous when I see that some people have lots of friends and contacts with their families more than me. I have tried very hard to be close with people but I’ve not succeeded even regarding obtaining a lasting relationship. I would like to ask what is wrong with me and if my incapacity is due to any karma? Which are the lessons I should learn with this situation? ~Isabel, UK

ANSWER: You get in your own way by creating expectations of how you desire the other person to react to you. You fear they will not like you; they pick up that energy and think you don’t want them to like you – so they don’t. It is the lack of self-confidence you constantly battle that shapes your relationships.

To have a meaningful relationship one must be open, almost vulnerable, and be willing to share their innermost thoughts and desires. You are a closed book because you think others want to take something from you. You want all relationships to be on your terms; others share, you take.

You have a pattern. When you first meet someone, you behave as you think they would like you to behave. You say things that you do not believe because you want to please them. You judge what you think they are thinking about you – and you always see that as being negative.

All souls are alike. None is any better or worse than any other. You all originate from the energy of Source, which is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-creative, and all-loving. Since you are a piece of that Source, you have the same qualities and abilities. You can use these powers only when you accept that what we have just said is true.

Once you understand this and start to work with it in mind, you will no longer have self-confidence issues. You will not be concerned with what others think or do. You can be true to yourself and open to the contact of others. Inside, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You have convinced yourself that you are different. Now accept that you are not.

You see the way others interact and your fear keeps you from going there. That is what makes you jealous and leaves you feeling bad. Connect with your divine inner self and create the type of person to whom others will flock.

Must I be in a relationship?

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, I feel like relationships aren’t for me. I have had only one serious relationship and my last one two years ago ended fast. I don’t feel like I can actually be with anybody. Is it ok to be alone? Do I have to find somebody? I used to want someone but now I enjoy being alone instead. ~Emma, Australia

ANSWER: All souls have freedom of choice, but they don’t realize it if they are unaware of what the potential choices are. In order for a society to exist it must propagate itself, and in order to do that the male and female populations must mate and increase. These are beliefs that are ingrained in all humans as they are being raised. You must have a mate; you must produce children for the continuation of society.

This belief is like all the other ones instilled in you since birth. Listen to your elders because they always know what to do; don’t talk to strangers – they may be predators; treat even the bad people the way you would like to be treated; you will be rewarded for your good deeds and doing as you are expected. These beliefs stick with you until you analyze them and see that they may not be the way you wish to live, so you discard some and change others. This is the recognition of your choices in life.

Not all souls come to the planet to have romantic relationships. Some are on a path of exploration of what they alone can do without committing to unions that prevent them from being able to do whatever and whenever they want. You have no obligation to have a partner, to get married, or to have children in this lifetime. You have done it in many past lives, and this time you wished to experience living on your own.

You are accepting responsibility for your choices and learning from them. You are not being hindered in your decisions by an obligation to a spouse. There are no rules in a spiritual sense. Right now you need your independence to fulfill your goal of finding out who you are as a person. Don’t let other people’s beliefs try to control your life. Be yourself, and honor the fact that you can and are doing just that.

Create whatever type of reality you desire. Know you have the ability to change it at any time that you feel a need. Enjoy life, embrace your journey.