Archive for the ‘Planet Earth’ Category

Vegan and vegetarian

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, this question has been on my mind most of my human life. I was making soup and needed to cut some meat and it was so hard for me to do! I understand the spark or Soul left the body, but they do choose where they end up? And do they also choose who will eat them for their evolution? There are more than ever People who become Vegetarian and Vegan! What are their reasons Masters? Because plants and vegetables have senses. Is it better to eat more greens and does it at long term makes us more intelligent or more sensitive? ~Sylvia, England

ANSWER: Only one to two percent of animals contain a soul. Most are merely animated by a spark of Source energy. This is the same life force that sustains other forms of living things such as plants, flowers, and the grains of life, which provide for those who forgo the nutrition provided by the living species that have faces.

Some forms of eating choices are dictated by people’s religious belief systems, and others by the types of sustenance accessible in the area. Today, in more developed regions, the choice of food is completely up to the whim of the eater.

All things are composed of energy; everything is energy. The energy vibration is determined by the experiences of the substance. If the object has been subjected to stress, that energy is carried within. If a plant is yanked crudely from the ground, it will react to the fury. If an animal is treated harshly, its vibration is jagged and piercing. If an animal is dispatched with music and care, it is “happy” and its energy smooth.

Nutritional substances do not pre-determine how they will be treated or by whom they will be consumed. Each soul has freedom of choice and bases those choices on the information it possesses and the reality it desires.

Many things impact the current world, and your food supply is tied up in the middle of daily life. Decisions concerning lifestyle come from what you have been taught, what groups you follow, and how various things make your body feel. Nothing is right or wrong. Nothing is absolutely the best or the worst. It is for each to determine what suits the path you follow.

The various choices available each provide their own nutritional values with consumption. Some physical bodies require certain types of nutrition, while others may react negatively to the same substances. Trial and error will allow you to find the proper fit. Remember, the mind is very strong, so intense beliefs will appear to demand certain directions. The choice is always the soul’s.

Extra-terrestrial contact

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I am interested in our relationship with extra-terrestrial souls yet feel confused in some ways. It seems that some ET’s have beneficial intentions towards humanity, yet others can present as being manipulative and abusive. If negativity exists only on earth, then how is this so? Have I misunderstood? I understand that many souls in human lives now have also had ET lives, are some of those as the manipulative abusers? For what soul purpose? ~Dave, United Kingdom

ANSWER: While a soul is experiencing a human existence, it is doing so on the planet Earth and within the reality of the duality. If a soul, while in human form, interacts with any other souls, they do so within the duality. So even though it seems that the human is venturing off the planet and having an interchange with souls having an extra-terrestrial experience, the basis of the human soul originates from the duality and can experience all the positive and negative energies that the planet provides.

The human creates the reality it wishes to explore. Most of the ideas about extra-terrestrials come from books, movies, and conspiracy theorists. Souls choose their lessons and create the situations necessary to provide them. It is the soul whose journey you are observing who makes all the determinations.

There are many manipulative abusers among the souls sharing the planet with you, and that is because of the choices they made before coming. Only a minuscule number of discarnates and extra-terrestrial living souls are engaged in such activity.

Everything that a soul does, in any form or location, is designed to learn about their essence as a soul.

Different version of Earth?

Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters are there different dimensional versions of earth existing on higher and lower frequencies? AKA 3rd 4th 5th and so on? ~David, Britain

ANSWER: Everything is energy and energy is everything, and each soul creates their own illusion of reality. There are also no absolutes that are shared by all; everything is as you accept with your human belief systems. Frequencies exist within the human dimension to differentiate various depths of awareness.

Remember, Earth is a physical thing that is not subjected to the solely energetic qualities of the nonphysical. We are speaking only of what is perceived by the human body and its various means of interacting with its bodily sensors, taste, feeling, smell, cognitive awareness – but all through the physical body – not just what is possible to create through manipulation.

One of the “dimensions” available to the soul while it is having a human experience is the ability to shift between the memories of the various past times it has inhabited the Earth. If one’s awareness is on an existence in 2019 and then shifts to another existence in 1875, and further to a time remembered from 2121, it appears that there are different versions of Earth, but in reality, they are observations of the same planet from the perspective of different linear progression points it has gone through.

In our teachings we refer to different dimensions such as 3rd, 4th, and 5th but we use those terms merely to speak of the soul’s status points. Third is a completely physical energetic environment composed of negative and positive energy (the duality); fourth is where the soul can vacillate between physical and nonphysical settings and negative and wholly positive surroundings; and fifth is a nonphysical location of totally unconditionally loving positive energy.