Archive for the ‘Planet Earth’ Category

Animals as a food source

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I have always believed that animals were bred to serve as food for humans. When I read the blade of a channel of Saint Germain, I saw that I was mistaken, and stopped consuming animal flesh. But the question remains: what is wrong with the passage of Jesus’ multiplication of fish to feed his followers? And with Him helping fishermen on their bread? And with the father having the fatted calf killed, to commemorate the return of the prodigal son? I’m not vegan, because like egg and cheese, that’s what’s left of everything I liked the most. I am wrong? ~Luiz, Brazil

ANSWER: In a spiritual sense there is no such thing as being right or wrong because there is no duality. Choosing between a negative and positive solution to a situation is part of the learning process within the third dimension. It is the way a soul having a human experience completes their life lessons.

No one can tell you what the best way is for you to learn or to complete your life’s journey. What is perfect for one individual is disastrous for another. You are beginning to compare the writings of one alleged author with the supposed teachings of others. You cannot give one hundred percent validity to the recordings on any event of practice since they are coming through the minds of another and not the originator.

Channelings may be verbatim from the mouth of the speaker or they may be “interpreted” by the channeler to reflect the channeler’s own opinions or prejudices. A story passed down from century to century by human memory may be accurate or may be based upon a parable or belief system.

People must decide what they wish to accept as their own beliefs by using their own intuition and feelings and what they have been told and read from the beliefs of others. You have been presented with differing opinions on the purpose of farm animals. You may choose to believe either one; they are right only to the acceptance of each person. Animals are raised for consumption. To some that is inhumane and wrong, while to others it is necessary for nourishing their physical bodies. The choice is yours; neither is totally right or wrong.

The stories from the Bible were compiled for teaching purposes and not to commemorate a particular event. It is the intention behind the story that has value. Sharing, charity, forgiveness, gratitude, living life are the bases for the parables.

To learn what you came to learn – your purpose being to understand yourself as a soul and that, being a piece of Source energy, you have certain powers and abilities you may use – start relying upon yourself. When a question arises, ask: What do I feel about this? What do I truly wish to do? Start feeling and not thinking; that turns you from the decisions of others to your own journey.

Video games

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, what is your opinion on video-games and how they affect souls? What ls good about them and not so much? Do you have video games at Home, if not then what do you do instead? Why are some video games gory violent and some souls enjoy playing them? And lastly, what are your thoughts about the game designer industry? ~Natalie, Denmark

ANSWER: Video games are an invention / entertainment tool of the physical world. They are interactive devices that allow participants to do something other than watch a movie or read a book. They require the gamer to make instantaneous decisions just as they do when they wander around in society, but they are in a make-believe environment and do not physically endanger the person.

For the soul, they are nothing more than another type of experience to learn something about being a human being. They are remembered by the soul, as is everything in which it engages while on Earth, but don’t have any more or less importance. The same thing can be said about all the movies, TV programs, books, and actual events to which the person also has exposure.

We do not have anything similar to video games at Home because we do not have physical bodies, and also we remember everything in which we have participated in all of our many lives. We are able to project our consciousness into any situation we wish, whether we have completed it ourselves or observed another’s participation.

In considering the genres of video games, they encompass the whole spectrum of human activities. They start with educational games for the schooling of the young, branch into mathematics and other areas of learning, strategical planning, physical coordination, and then merely entertainment.

The totally role-playing games come closest to replicating actual learning experiences. Various types appeal to individuals through the thrill they can provide. Timid people sometimes wish to see if they can participate in gory battles, those working on control issues may play domination games, and those who comply with all the rules and regulations of society may want to see what it feels like to break the law. A person can find these same releases and experiences watching various types of movies or reading thrillers or psychological horror, but they don’t get the same satisfaction of “testing” themselves in the situation.

A designer of games is an author or director providing a service that is “needed” by a segment of society. It is just another job. It takes a person who can project an entire scenario, like a well-read author. A soul having a human experience can choose that or any other employment as a way to learn about themselves and their abilities.

Conspiracy theories

Tuesday, June 25th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters. I realize that Superhero movies are making a lot of success these days. Bringing this idea of ​​“saviors”. There is also a lot of extraterrestrial invasion in these films. Can this be related to the Blue Beam project? Could this occult government actually be preparing a possible “war or invasion” through holography to cause fear and panic so they would offer a “solution” controlling us even more? Is this a conspiracy theory, or is it grounded? For I have studied and perceived that our history, principally as told by Christianity in the bible, may have been a great holography, a copy of ancient mythological stories of ancient gods. Could you talk about it? ~Sergio, BRASIL

ANSWER: Movies are created as a form of entertainment, to make people feel good about something and to be able to visualize themselves as the hero of the film. With the instantaneous and constant communication abilities on the planet it is dangerous to vilify an actual nation or people, so the media has intensified its usage of aliens as the enemy.

Project Blue Beam was an invention from the fertile minds of two individuals who employed conspiracy theories to placate their own paranoia and to make them money through book and other sales based on the fears of a portion of the populace. It does not exist as a solid thing but remains active in the realities of those who want to believe it.

Souls are composed of energy and energy is everything. Nothing becomes solidified unless it is accepted in that state by someone within the duality of an Earthly existence. There is no negativity – therefore no evil, conspiring creatures – outside the workings of those on planet Earth.

It is possible to create anything one wishes if their belief is that powerful. Some people believe in the “wizarding world of Harry Potter” with all its magic and non- human creatures – whether they have seen it with their own eyes or not. They will contend that the muggles just don’t get it because they have not experienced anything magical.

Organized religious doctrines and beliefs can be based on imagination as well as documented facts. Novels are written daily about non-existent facts, abilities, and worlds whether based on actual or on fabricated instances – just because they can be.

There is no group of individuals on Earth who have banded together, through the use of holography, or any other means, to control the entire world. There are no conspiracies existent on a global scale.

But if you wish to follow and accept these conspiracy theories, for some reason, you have the freedom of choice to do just that and hold on to all those fears they engender.