Archive for the ‘Planet Earth’ Category

My place in the world

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, with everything that is going on with the world that we are part of, most of the time feels like I’m living in a different one. Sounds a bit selfish just to focus on my life and my issues and not so much with what is happening around us since things in my country are pacific comparing to other countries. But I can’t stop feeling some fear and lack of trust in some decisions that governments are taking when I see people suffering because of it and it does affect us as a whole. The easy question would be How can we balance this? Just let things happen and then solutions will come up? Is there more we can do then just cleansing our Self? Sometimes feels that my perception is not clear enough. ~Ana, Portugal

ANSWER: The world in which humans exist is a specially created duality of negative and positive energies so that they might make decisions as to which they prefer and to establish their knowledge of their origin. This world, which we call the third dimension, is physical and remains so as long as people are still making choices between what you know as good and evil. It is ruled by judgment where everything is graded, rated, and judged. There is a definite right and wrong, as far as society is concerned, in every decision-making process.

The spiritual path, which each soul undertakes, is for the purpose of learning about what it means to be a soul with infinite power and coming to the realization and acceptance that that is your true essence. When one makes that awakening to self, they step away from the ego judgment of the rest of the world and become an observer. They watch what others are doing and how they are fulfilling the lesson choices that each has made.

You are stepping out of judgment and entering the phase of evaluation where you see what is happening but choose not to be a part of it, because you have learned it all just involves the spiritual paths of others. There is nothing selfish in this, just an acknowledgment that each soul has its own path and few intersect with the reason you came to Earth.

As an observer, you have a detachment from the emotional conflicts in which those embroiled in societal decision-making – i.e., the governments – are engaged. The suffering or trials in which many find themselves are created so they might have the life lessons for which they came. They can change their situation when they realize they have choices and choose to make them.

You cannot influence another unless they choose to be open to your suggestions. You can always send them unconditional love that they may understand what they are facing and learn the enclosed lesson so they can move forward. People are bringing to themselves the situations they need to experience so they may grow.

Mixing physical and non-physical concepts

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

QUESTION: Masters how can Russia be one of the “backbone countries”, whose goal is peace, economic steadiness and environmental protection if they are unaware of spiritual directions? ~Virve, Finland

ANSWER: Most of society is in the form of countries and nations who, in order to function and think of themselves as superlative to other nations, rely upon ego judgment. Spirituality has no judgement whatsoever in its concepts. It is total unconditional love where everyone and everything is equal and never graded, ordered, or judged against any other. The idea of being a “backbone” is a judgment and not found in a spiritual setting.

In the physical world, such as on the planet Earth, souls can only learn the lessons they came there to experience through the use of judgment, such as by learning to rid themselves of negative directions and pursuing the positive loving space. The choice to pursue one’s spiritual path is an individual thing and cannot be forced or enforced on others.

Countries label themselves as they wish to be seen and have others accept them. They also work on the principle that if you say something often enough, at least you, if not the world, will believe that it is true. It’s somewhat like a person who doesn’t have the experience they need for a job saying that they do until they actually spend enough time to get the needed knowledge – the old “fake it until you make it.”

Even your question reaches outside a spiritual environment because you are asking for a determination via judgment from us. When viewing definitions and boasts, such as this one, become an observer and evaluate whether or not anything that is being done is helpful to the world or if you need to look elsewhere.

No soul has any control over the conduct of another unless they allow it. When a nation proclaims itself to be something, it is the belief of the speaker and does not necessarily represent what the majority of the population feels. Nations don’t have spiritual directions because they are not individual souls having a human experience in order to learn about their essence as pieces of Source. They are a gathering of physical beings trying to prove themselves, to themselves and others, in the physical world.

Scientific knowledge and spiritual growth

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I have been exposed to some of the teachings of Ageless Wisdom and esoteric philosophy as well as astrology. Can you give insight into these teachings and the understanding of astrology in today’s world? ~Karen, USA

ANSWER: You are a soul who has chosen to incarnate on the physical plane. Your physical body, being composed mostly of water, is affected by the movements of the planets throughout the solar system. Like a piece of wood in the ocean, you can let yourself be completely influenced by the movement or you can swim or paddle away from where it is pushing you.

The influence of the planets at the time of your birth is twofold. First you have what most people plot, which is the exact time and place of the body entering into the world from inside the mother. But a second, also important, time is when the sperm joins the egg and begins to divide. Again, the planetary impacts are suggestions that can be followed or totally disregarded, and choices can be made to go a different path.

Some of the characteristics that seem to dominate within an astrological sign may be part of the lessons chosen by the soul to see if they understand and learn from the situation. Tendencies toward passionate domination may be a lesson in control; ultra-sensitivity may be experimentation with intuitive abilities; dealing with material goods as a trait allows a stage for seeing if you can let go of ego and turn to love.

Nothing overrules the soul’s freedom of choice. You come to Earth to learn and you have plenty of material assisting you. The Ageless Wisdom and esoteric philosophy deal more with the human experience the soul is having than with the spiritual journey the soul is undertaking. All the reports are from the perspective of a living human and how the various phases such as birth, death, and reincarnation can be interpreted by a human.

The spiritual aspect of the soul is energetic, eternal, and unconditionally loving. The human experience is dealing with negativity and finding ways to turn a negative event into a positive, loving one. Both Ageless Wisdom and esoteric philosophy contributed to the formation of organized religions so that the person didn’t have to take responsibility for their actions but just follow the leader.

This type of activity prevents people from divorcing themselves from the doctrine of thinking and, using their freedom of choice, going into their unconscious connection to their soul and “feeling” their way to the answers. Everyone creates their own reality, so nothing is right or wrong. Use what resonates with you to find your truth, but don’t be afraid to change it if it no longer feels “right.”