Coincidence or connection?
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018QUESTION: Masters, some time ago a woman looked at a ring I wear and gave me two messages: one was pilot’s code and the other was a name. Through these details, I came across the story of a young girl who passed away months before I was born. Many details of her life and death, such as dates and times, are also important dates of my life. Was that my most recent incarnation before my current life? If so, am I still carrying things from that life? How do we discern what lessons are from the past and which are current? ~Skyler, USA
ANSWER: There are no true coincidences in life. All things occur for a specific purpose. It might be to provide information to you, or for you to realize it is something that is not of importance to you and you do not have to spend time trying to understand its presence.
Lives are not necessarily completed in a linear fashion, so even though this past life was within a short historical period of your current life, it was not the last life you experienced. Souls frequently hop around from one Earth period to another with no restriction based upon linear time. A soul may have had a life, may have done some research or had an idea that they wished to have the experience of an earlier Earth period, and may then have chosen to go there instead of into the future.
The dates are signposts for you to remember something or to explore more fully the time frame from both the present and the past. There are a few carry-over lessons from that life and from others. You are exploring chains of related factors. Control, as controller and controlee, keeps creeping into your lives. Developing self-confidence and taking responsibility for your own decisions is prevalent.
Discerning where a lesson begins or ends is really unimportant. Understanding the lesson and gaining wisdom that you can use in the future is the critical element. All incomplete studies will shine a light to you through the doubts and fears they produce. Delve into those uncertainties, see where they originate from, but don’t ignore them.
It is crucial to approach what is right in front of you rather than imagining the possible implication of something you became aware of from the past. All will become clear to you in the future.