Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Did negativity come from aliens?

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters why do you say that negativity arose on Earth and only exists in it? Negativity has been implemented here by beings from other planets who wanted and still want control of Earth. Control is not part of unconditional love, so negativity already existed before it emerged here. ~Daniel, Brazil

ANSWER: There is a lot of unsubstantiated, incorrect information running around on the web. You can find all kinds of conspiracy theories and spoofs out there. People create their own realities, so if they believe something is true, to them, it is. Even if the sun is shining, if you think it is raining that becomes your truth, and if you go out you wear a raincoat. If you think your neighbor doesn’t like you, you avoid him even if he is the friendliest person in the world.

There are no other groups of souls in the universe who want to take over Earth and control it. Who would want such a messed-up duality? And how could one group of people exert control over such a diverse population when current occupants cannot even maintain control over their country and family members? Souls who have chosen to experience lives on other planets are doing so for reasons other than learning lessons about the nature of perfection. And no other planet exists as a duality.

Society loves to have fears because it gives them something to blame their failures on. If there is a boogeyman who is trying to take over the world, then you can excuse your selfishness because all your good work would be for naught.

Every soul comes to Earth to experience their own essence. You did not come to pit yourself against another soul, group of souls, or unknown planetary baddies. You came to learn about the lessons you chose because you felt you wanted to understand more about them.

Complete your journey before worrying about someone’s imagined extraterrestrials. Or not – because you have total freedom of choice and have no obligation to finish the work you came here to do. The choice is yours.

What about duality on other planets?

Tuesday, March 27th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters if Earth is the only place with duality, what about the other planets in our time-space continuum that have what we would consider extraterrestrial beings? They have said that they evolved their societies out of the darkness we are in, of war and isolation, etc. Were these planets not also dualistic, or are you referring to our time -space continuum as a whole with your teaching of the only place with duality? ~Joseph, USA

ANSWER: The purpose of a duality is for each soul to determine and understand what the opposite of its essence of positive unconditional love looks and feels like. It provides a classroom where every possible combination of negative/positive pairing can exist – an arena where, by trial and error, each human characteristic, emotion, and feeling may be explored. The desired traits are agreed upon by the participant before incarnating, and then the games begin.

Souls do spend time on planets other than Earth, but it is not for the purpose of discovering who they are or how they can work to understand about unconditional love. Most places have a particular theme that the soul wishes to explore, but the soul is aware of it from the beginning and just spends time experiencing it, not trying to figure it out as it would with life lessons on Earth.

The only evolution that occurs on these other planets is educational – akin to the soul’s going from kindergarten, through grammar school, high school, college, and on to graduate work. Any warlike activity has to do with learning about physical prowess, tactics, and logistics. These are not dualistic environments because no studies are being conducted concerning the opposite of perfection.

“The Golden Age”

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters for years I have been reading channeled messages by the Archangels, Ascended Masters etc. promising us the “Golden Age”. To date, much has been promised, but very little delivered. It is the carrot at the end of the stick. And the more I read, the more contradictions appear in the messages. Other non-dualistic messages claim that there will never be Golden Age or Heaven on Earth because the collective consciousness is in a state of perpetual conflict. I have the impression that we are being manipulated, deceived. ~Mario, Canada

ANSWER: Anybody can say anything they want. Anyone can claim to be delivering messages from any source they choose. Some channelers have agendas wherein they seek to become the authority and/or guru for others, the expert on “The Truth” about everything. They propose that “because they have a connection” you must believe exactly what they are saying and nothing else. In other words, do not let any doubts that you have take you away from their program. And definitely, do not follow your feelings.

The soul, when in the body of a human, must decide what they accept as reality for themselves. This is done by accepting various beliefs by which they will judge how their life is progressing and how they want it to continue. This belief system is unique to each individual and may change at any time when the person loses faith in one accepted fact and substitutes something else instead because it resonates more closely with their feelings at the moment.

A soul having a human experience lives in a dualistic world. They have come to Earth to experience this phenomenon and to use it to find out who they are as a soul – which is a piece of Source energy with amazing powers and abilities – by making determinations concerning the negativity that surrounds them.

If one concentrates on the physical aspects of their life – that is, living in the duality where judgment determines everything, and feelings are not to be trusted – they live for the ego and rate, grade, and judge everything. If they choose a spiritual path, seeking to unite with their essential unconditional love, they will merely observe the world and those in it, making no judgments and bringing into their reality only what resonates with them.

The Earth is a duality with an equal amount of positive and negative. For that reason, there cannot be total evil (hell) or total unconditional love (heaven). Earth is not going to change from this characteristic, and therefore, there will be no Golden Age. Since every soul has freedom of choice, no one can promise that anything will be a certain way in your reality since you have to choose the particulars.

Take even what we have said here today and accept it as your truth only if it feels right to you, if it resonates with your being. Use that as a yardstick for developing your beliefs and growing in enlightenment.