Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

No psychic is absolutely accurate

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Q. Masters, I am in a near state of panic. I was at a Psychic fair last week and a reader told me that my husband was going to die within the next six months. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since that day! Is there anything that I can do? Was she right in her prognostication?

A. Messages that come through from the energetic plane are subject to interpretation by those who deliver them. We do not communicate in a language that is unequivocally understandable; rather, we convey thoughts, pictures, and sensations that have to be translated into your language.

The degree to which the receiver can eliminate personal thoughts and just repeat ours indicates how accurate the reading will be. No person who is translating ideas from the other side is 100% accurate all the time.

There is another influence that affects the accuracy of readings. It has to do with the wisdom that readers have about spiritual matters so that they can interpret our sayings. When receivers color the information we provide with their own incorrect beliefs as to how life is on the other side, the readings cannot then be accurate.

The last, but definitely not the least important, factor is whether the receivers are making sure that they are talking only to souls of the light and not to discarnate souls who have left their bodies but still inhabit the Earth plane. These beings generally love to make people miserable because they themselves have not returned to the unconditional love of Home and want others to feel lost as they are.

Each soul determined before coming into a physical body what lessons it wished to learn, and when it wished to return Home. Of course it does not have any memory of that now, but it has made contracts with others to be available to help them with various issues and will not leave until they are complete.

Your husband still has a number of things he has promised to complete, both with you and with the children. His soul can exercise freedom of choice to modify those promises, but it has no such ideas at the present time. Rest easy.


Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Welcome, fellow souls. We recently tagged along with our channel (Toni) as she attended a seminar in Virginia, and we were delighted in the spiritual openness of the other participants. We found it fun that one of their nightly activities was to search for energy orbs. For you who have never noticed one before, it is the earthly pattern that we take when we are visiting in your time and dimension and don’t bother to formulate what approximates to a physical body.

What we appear to be is a sphere that shimmers. Some souls form recognizable faces within the sphere while others spend their time sending out geometric figures, which is one of our means of communication. If an area contains happy or very spiritual energy such as may be caused by energy healing, meditation, chakra balancing, etc., we come for enjoyment and to share with the human beings there.

A few souls who have the ability to see auras will be able to see us out of the corner of their eyes. We are most easily seen in digital camera images because our energy vibration registers in the pixels. Regular film is not as sensitive and will rarely detect us. As guides we are around you all the time, and this is one way you may be able to verify our existence if you really need to do so.

We feel like saying “Tag, you’re it!” Catch us if you can.

In love, light, and plenty of laughter,
The Masters of the Spirit World

Out-of-body experiences

Friday, February 1st, 2008

Q. Masters, I have read about out-of-body experiences. Are they real? What do they mean? How do you go about accomplishing one? Can you get stuck outside of your body?

A. Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) happen when people’s consciousness is focused on another location or time, and they are able to see everything that is going on in that separate location while their physical bodies remain “at home”. They happen in states of deep meditation, and sometimes at night at the beginning or ending of the sleep cycle.

These OBEs are very real. Individuals who have experienced them can tell you (while physically not leaving their meditation or bedroom) what someone was wearing or what someone said on the other side of a wall, the country, or the world. The reason is simply that these people have grown to know their soul well enough to free the majority of it from the confines of the body. An OBE may also occur when a person is in a coma.

Mystics have meditated for years and not been able to accomplish an OBE, and yet other souls do it almost automatically. The secret is having total faith in yourself as a soul while harboring no fears whatsoever. Doubt, fear, and physical discomfort will drop the soul back into the body immediately. It is impossible to get stuck outside of your body.