Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Finding self love

Friday, July 11th, 2008


Q: Masters, I have become aware lately that I don’t know what this self-love that you talk about really is. I am aware of the sense of love that I have for others that feels very rewarding to me, a sympathetic, romantic type of love. I have always thought that self-love is the love I feel that comes back to me when I love and help another, am I correct?

A: A true self-love is tapping into the soul of oneself to touch the unconditional love that is the essence of all of us. As souls, we are all unconditional love. That love requires nothing, including another person, for you to be able to bathe in its warmth.

Loving your self is the ability to go inside and touch that unconditional love. In order to reach that state of awareness, you must love every aspect of where you are within your present physical being.

You may say: I am fat, ugly, have a lousy job, or am a drunk; how can I love myself? Our answer is that all we are asking you to love is your essence—the unconditional love of your soul. You don’t even have to like everything about the body you currently call home, but you need to love who you are as a soul. You have the ability to change the body that encompasses your soul, unless that is part of this life’s lesson.

The love you seek, even crave from others, is reflected from you. You can love another only to the extent that you love yourself. If you hate yourself, you are incapable of truly loving another because you do not feel that you are worthy of their love.

When you love everything about the beauty of your soul, you know that you are as good as everyone else and worthy of receiving their love. There are no fears that can exist in such an environment, and therefore you are only aware of the essence—the love.

Open invitation to spirits

Monday, May 12th, 2008

Q. Masters, a group of friends and I have been having weird things happen to us lately. It is almost like in the movies when they talk about poltergeists and discarnate souls that haven’t crossed over into the light and want to cause havoc. Strange dreams have been the norm. All of these occurrences have taken place in a hunting and fishing cabin we jointly own. None of us have had anything happen anywhere else. It all began about five months ago when the weather was horrendous so we stayed in drinking and working with an old Ouija board. None of us really professed any belief in the game, but it seemed to be truthfully answering our questions. Some of the guys don’t even want to come to the cabin anymore. What can we do to get our peace back again?

A. You are right to connect the current activities with your use of the Ouija board. The whole premise of using the board is that you want to communicate with non- physical entities. Any time that you indiscriminating invite energies into your presence, anything that is there may accept the invitation.

When most mediums establish contact with non-physicals they protect themselves and those with them by asking to make contact only with energies that will come forth for the highest and greatest good (known as “beings of the light”). With protection in place, discarnates (those souls who have left their physical bodies but have not crossed over to the spirit world) may not come on their own and may only answer questions directly put to them. They do not have carte blanche to come and stay.

When you, with no thought of whom you might be asking to come into your cabin, played around with the Ouija board, you attracted a group of spirits who have not gone home. They were having too much fun staying inebriated while still alive, so they choose not to leave. They identify with your fun times in the cabin and want to relive some of their exploits through you. They will remain around until they are asked, or helped, to leave.

The easiest way to get them to leave is to rescind the invitation unequivocally. Once invited, to uninvite, you must say so three times. Discarnates also do not like the smell of sage (used frequently by American Indians and others to clear unwanted spirits from locations). If none of these things work, try contacting a local channeler of medium to talk to them and find out why they are sticking around.


Monday, March 31st, 2008

Q. Masters, I have a friend who has begun to talk to a person who he says is inside himself. He is a very lonely person and this is a female who he claims is his twin flame. He even argues with himself as if he is really talking to someone else. First, is this what the churches call possession? And, second, is there anything that I can do to help him?

A. Your friend, in his loneliness, has invited a discarnate soul (which people would call a ghost) to enter into his body. All souls have the characteristics of both sexes, so this soul, whether most recently male or female, is letting your friend perceive it as female so he will allow it to stay. In most circles this would be called a “possession” of the physical by a non-physical.

One soul may not enter the body of another unless it is invited. This may be a deliberate invitation (“Come on in”) or be the result of trickery. This occurs when the discarnate says something like, “I bet you can’t feel me if I come into your physical body with you,” and the unsuspecting host replies, “Well, let me try.” Invitation extended and accepted, and the relationship begins.

Once the discarnate has entered, it does not have to leave until unequivocally told to do so by the host. What frequently happens, as in the case of your friend, is that the host enjoys not being lonely any more, develops a relationship with the discarnate, and would not think of demanding that it leave. Thus the host has exercised freedom of choice. In some way this situation is a lesson that your friend came down there to experience. There is nothing you can do to influence him unless he is ready to return to singleness.