Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Pictures of eyes

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, since I was little I’ve always known that I was different. I started drawing these pictures at eleven years old and I’ve been doing them ever since. They are distinct and each one is different from the others. There is a pair of eyes in almost every one. One thought I had was sacred geometry, but they are a lot more advanced than sacred geometry. I keep a whole box of them and wonder what I am drawing all the time. Most of them came to me during school and during church. I’m really interested in knowing.

ANSWER: You are not different from any other soul-you are different from the souls so deeply embedded in their human life that they have cut all ties to their essence. They have not maintained any contact whatsoever with the non-physical side of existence. They cannot see, hear, or feel spirit energy. You, on the other hand, are open to all the energy.

What you are recording is the connection between yourself and the spirits. The eyes represent the pathway to the soul contained within a physical body. Some of those whom you have drawn are soul mates who are currently at Home; others are guides and friends who wish to say hello.

They find it easier to come to you at school and church because of your openness at both of those times. When you are in a learning or communicating mode you take off all the protections you have around yourself at other times. You feel there is nothing to fear at either place. You will be able to have them consciously near you at other times if you take down the defenses.

Your sense of a connection to sacred geometry is right on as well. Sacred geometry is one of the means of communication between individual energies when in non-physical form. What you sensed was little snippets of conversation occurring between souls.

If you wish to understand a bit of what is going on you must learn the language being used. As with any other language, practice makes perfect. Enjoy!

Is it psychic or not?

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I feel very attracted to the idea of doing psychic readings for people, to give them guidance, but my partner is against this. I feel he is afraid of psychic phenomena because he doesn’t understand them. Is there a way I can help him to overcome his fear, or will he eventually overcome it himself? Would I have the ability to be a good psychic reader?

ANSWER: Your partner fears the unknown; he loves you deeply and wants to be able to see what is happening and to be able to protect the two of you from harm. He has seen too many programs and movies about evil, harmful spirits and he is afraid there is nothing that will protect you. He is completely closed off to feelings from outside that do not have an origin in a human or animal body. He has felt the energy of spirits but has always found another explanation for the experience.

One soul cannot change another unless that other wants to change. You may start an education process with your partner where you introduce him to some writings of fantastic occurrences between living people and free spirits (Ghosts). Gently let him see some material on past-life regressions that people have used to better their lives. The choice of what to include in one’s belief system is still up to the individual.

You are very aware of the moods of people and can judge where they are headed in their thinking. You can also see the obstacles that are right in front of them but they cannot see. Friends and others seek you out for advice because of your abilities, and this you equate with psychic ability. It is and it isn’t.

Intuition, being able to “feel” the energy of another physical being, is a psychic ability. This sense is a resonance between two physical bodies, yours and the sender’s. Being able to feel others does not mean you will be able to communicate with those in spirit form, nor even be able to pull thoughts from the unconscious  mind out of the ether.

Your ability to “read” relates to the state of where the person’s physical balance currently lies. You are excellent at counseling people to help them see their way. Use your abilities in this fashion and your partner will not know you are tapping into your intuition.

Sharing space

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

QUESTION: Masters, my daughter believes that when was about 8 years old, she walked through a timber door without opening it. She just ended up on the other side of the door. At the time, she was balancing a wooden box on her head as she walked up the passageway. I can understand how she may have passed through the door herself, but is it possible that she took a wooden box with her?

ANSWER: All physical matter consists of a tiny solid mass of energy rotating in space around another tiny solid mass. You see the whirling mass as solid. An object composed of billions of these atoms is perceived as impenetrable. Your belief systems tell you that one believed solid mass cannot pass through another believed solid mass. Almost all accept this as fact.

It is possible for one who accepts that matter is mostly empty space to manipulate two pieces of matter so that they pass through each other’s empty spaces. For the human this generally occurs during times of stress in which the survival urge overcomes built-in belief systems. With the wish to pass through, rather than collide with, a solid mass that has just appeared in front of him, a person suddenly finds himself—and sometimes his motor vehicle—on the other side of, rather than wrapped around, a tree, a deer, a boulder, or another vehicle.

Your daughter was not particularly thinking about walking through the door but was very much inside herself in a meditative state. She did not seek to align her molecules, but only to continue on her way. Her unconscious self did not want harm done to the physical body, so it set up the conditions to align the energies to pass through one another. As your daughter became aligned, so did the box on her head.