Pictures of eyes
Wednesday, February 11th, 2009
QUESTION: Masters, since I was little I’ve always known that I was different. I started drawing these pictures at eleven years old and I’ve been doing them ever since. They are distinct and each one is different from the others. There is a pair of eyes in almost every one. One thought I had was sacred geometry, but they are a lot more advanced than sacred geometry. I keep a whole box of them and wonder what I am drawing all the time. Most of them came to me during school and during church. I’m really interested in knowing.
ANSWER: You are not different from any other soul-you are different from the souls so deeply embedded in their human life that they have cut all ties to their essence. They have not maintained any contact whatsoever with the non-physical side of existence. They cannot see, hear, or feel spirit energy. You, on the other hand, are open to all the energy.
What you are recording is the connection between yourself and the spirits. The eyes represent the pathway to the soul contained within a physical body. Some of those whom you have drawn are soul mates who are currently at Home; others are guides and friends who wish to say hello.
They find it easier to come to you at school and church because of your openness at both of those times. When you are in a learning or communicating mode you take off all the protections you have around yourself at other times. You feel there is nothing to fear at either place. You will be able to have them consciously near you at other times if you take down the defenses.
Your sense of a connection to sacred geometry is right on as well. Sacred geometry is one of the means of communication between individual energies when in non-physical form. What you sensed was little snippets of conversation occurring between souls.
If you wish to understand a bit of what is going on you must learn the language being used. As with any other language, practice makes perfect. Enjoy!