Negativity shields
Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
QUESTION: Masters, could you please speak to the need to shield oneself energetically from negativity? As I become clearer, more aware of energy, I’m seeing how we’re all connected to one another and have the ability to draw from the energy of each other. I can now often feel it when someone wants to attach to me energetically. Is there a need to shield oneself regularly? Or is it merely an illusion based on fear-it happens because we believe it? Or is it both? ~Anne W.
ANSWER: The physical world that you currently inhabit is grounded on the basis of a duality: for all the positive energy there is an equal amount of negative energy. Most people are never aware of the sensation of a positive or negative force around them. As people begin to clear away their life lessons (experiences dealing with negativity), they become aware of positive energy, i.e., the absence of negativity.
Once a people have felt positive energy, they wish to increase the amount around them. Even if they have never realized the feel of positive energy they sense the lightness or shimmering of positive energy and want to embrace it. This energy is like a beacon that draws moths to its light-others cannot avoid its appeal.
When souls have newly completed their lessons and positive energy comes in, generally they are not able to sense when others come along and try to steal it; they are just aware that one moment they feel fine and the next they are exhausted. We call people who come along searching for and stealing positive energy, “energy vampires.”
It is possible to steal energy from souls only if they allow it to happen. The permission may be an open invitation to share or simply a thought of “I feel so great-can you feel it?” Any little hint that you don’t mind your energy being taken away is considered an invitation to come in and snack.
To prevent your providing “munchies” for other souls, you need the intention to keep what is yours to yourself, unless you actually decide to share. All you need to do is to say to the Universe (that is to all energies everywhere) that you do not want to share your energy. You can also envision yourself protected by a barrier of white light, ask your guides to protect you, or simply say, “No sampling without my permission.”