Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Channeling a “living person”

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, can a channeler channel the spirit of a person who is still living? If so, how is that done, and can it be used for helping the living person to learn more about life’s lessons? If not, why not?   ~Lambert, USA

ANSWER: There are two aspects to your question. First, can a channeler talk to a facet of a soul while the focus of that soul is in a physical body? Under some circumstances, yes. Second, is it possible for a channeler to talk to the soul of a person in order for that person’s conscious mind to learn about the soul’s past and therefore understand what its current lessons are and why those particular lessons were chosen? No.

A channeler talking to an aspect of a soul currently involved in a physical life can only communicate with that person’s higher self or unconscious memory. This can occur only with the permission of the soul because each soul has total freedom of choice concerning its essence.

The most common example of this kind of communication is a healer wishing to send healing to an incapacitated person from whom permission cannot be obtained directly. The channeler can then ask the patient’s soul if it is all right for the healer to send energy to rebalance the body. If permission is not obtained, the healer is wasting time in sending energy because that energy cannot intervene without permission.

In the second scenario the soul came down to Earth with amnesia to learn lessons in the flesh. Had it wanted to have a memory of the why and wherefore of its lessons, it would have allowed itself to remember. This is a situation in which people may choose to engage in hypnotherapy to work through those lessons they have not completed or are having difficulty finishing.

Do dolphins have souls?

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, according to all the books that I have read which have been channeled by Toni, most animals have a life spark and not a soul. The minority that have souls are human beings who have chosen to incarnate as an animal to experience the power of a particular animal. While I understand this, I have a question. It concerns dolphins, who are known not to hurt human beings even when provoked. Do these special beings have more of a life spark in them than other animals?         ~Preetha, UK

Masters, I would really like to know if dolphins are life sparks or souls. They save human beings even when they are being attacked by us. Can you explain this?         ~Sussanah, UK

ANSWER: Dolphins, as you know, are mammals. They were once walking on the surface of the planet before they chose to go into the sea. They have brains that are comparable to humans’ in size, and they use a larger portion of their brain than humans do. A large number of souls that choose to have inter-species experiences have chosen to experience them in the body of dolphins.

The majority of what are referred to as dolphins on the planet today have only a spark of life, the same as other mammals like lions, dogs, and apes. There are inbred in a number of species the need to protect humans from themselves and dangerous situations. It has become instinctual in their nature.

Family pets, whether dog, cat, or even birds, will come to the aid of their owners in a time of crisis such as medical emergency or during an accident such as a fire. These occurrences are not the result of training or instinct but rather arise from a sense of love or companionship.

Dolphins are extremely gregarious animals, fun loving and protective of their pod. A person in the water can easily become a thing of interest or a playmate. There are a lot of recorded instances of dolphins supporting injured humans or other mammals such as small whales or even seals until they can reach a place of safety. There are also reports from those who spend a lot of time in the water with wild dolphins that, on occasion, they have been attacked by dolphins when their activity has been perceived as threatening, such as getting too close to a mother birthing or a tiny newborn.

Dogs will frequently help injured or lost children and sometimes other animals. Apes have adopted and raised similar species and even humans that have become lost or stranded in the wild. The mothering instinct of mammals is species blind.

Enhancing a psychic ability

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, there are so many people, schools, and classes claiming to teach us healing and psychic abilities. How is someone to evaluate and choose among them? What are your views of the best way to bring out our gifts, at least in respect to increasing our psychic abilities?         ~Sharon

ANSWER: We get asked this question in many different formulations: Which way is correct? What is the best person to help me? How do I access my gifts? What do I need to do to increase my abilities? The answer is different for each soul who asks.

Each soul is on an individual path, able to hear, feel, and see things in its own unique way. When you go out to purchase a new vehicle you start by asking yourself a bunch of questions. What do I want to use it for? What do I want it to look like? How much am I able to spend? How large does it need to be to fulfill my needs? What type of engine do I want to have? What mileage is the minimum that I want to receive? How many people does it need to accommodate? Only after deciding the answers do you know where to begin your search.

When it comes to healing and psychic abilities you need to define for yourself what you feel is the direction you wish to take. In the healing field, do you want to do hands-on healing like massage therapy or acupuncture, or do you want to do energetic work like Reiki or chakra balancing, or do you prefer therapy through hypnosis? Psychically, do you feel called to do work helping physical or non-physical beings? Do you want to locate water, minerals, or missing people? Or is the importance for you being able to communicate with your guides and the ascended ones?

Once you have defined your goal, you read, question, and open yourself to the energy of any person or program that is appealing to you. Some of the teachers who are out there are trying to make a living from their abilities, so they will be like any good salesperson and try to tell you why their product is the best. Just as single people do not need huge SUVs or gas-guzzling trucks for basic transportation, those simply wishing to learn about themselves through communication with their guides do not have to go through multiple stages of a healing-school curriculum to speak to them in meditation.

When you know what you want, open up your energy and feel what each person you talk to, or brochure you read, is saying about your path. Is it resonating with you? Do you get that warm, gushy feeling that you are being loved and hugged by the energy? If so, then jump on board because it will take you for the ride you are seeking.