Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Enigma Fascination

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, thank you for everything in my life, good and bad. Although I do not realize it many times, I am aware of your constant presence and interaction in my life, and I want to thank you for that. I would really like to thank my guides and have some sort of validation of who my guides are. I am feeling disconnected and need to find my way back. Feeling a little lost, I would like to have a signal or signpost to affirm which direction to take. Lately I have been drawn to all things paranormal because I am searching for something. Ghost shows, UFO shows, Bigfoot investigations, and other sorts of mysteries-why am I drawn to mysteries and enigmas like this?   ~Lambert, USA

ANSWER: More and more you are sensing your essence and that of others around you. The problem is that you have not been able to reconcile your internal knowing with the third-dimensional acceptance from those around you. To balance this you have decided you need physical proof, then you will know what you know you know. Welcome to the human experience!

Man wants validation of all his intuitions-and oh, it must be physical. The sense of simply knowing that something exists won’t do because you can’t touch it or share it with someone else. Take for instance the non-physical assistance from your guides: even though you know they are there, you can’t see them, and will not completely believe in them until you receive some type of physical sign. Oh, by the way, to thank them just think about your gratitude and they will know.

In almost all cases the spirit world will not spend time in holding your hands and giving you physical signs. Their sense is that if you do not feel them and sense their sincerity, then you are not ready to receive direct assistance from them. Your own subconscious is telling you, in the interests it has compelled you to pursue, that there is more out there than the physical.

The paranormal things that you are studying are other people’s searches for that same physical proof. A lot of the results indicate that there is evidence of things the public does not accept, but actual proof is elusive. How do you feel about this or that phenomenon? Are you going to accept its existence only when you see it for yourself? This is an example of your spiritual search as well.

The question now is: are you going to rely upon your inner feelings or are you always going to demand tangible proof? The choice is up to you. Reach out and seek what is part of this lifetime’s belief system and stop spending time trying to prove your intuitions.

Unconscious Writing

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, when I am writing during the night, the words flow fast and thick. Where are these words coming from? The subject matter is current, but varied.   ~George, Canada

ANSWER: At night you are relaxing your conscious, manipulative mind and allowing the flow of your unconscious higher self to come through. You are in a type of meditation which quiets the thinking mind. This is a pure state that allows you to tap into the flow of the energy of the universe. You are hearing the discussions that one aspect of yourself, in a higher dimensional level, is having with other souls in that same higher dimensional level.

This is a form of automatic writing. For some people the ideas come from outside of themselves. You are only conscious of conversations and discussion in which you are taking part.


Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

[NOTE: This question uses the term “Buddhic.”  The Buddhic plane is defined as the fifth dimension, the level of consciousness where the oneness of all life becomes apparent, and where ascension starts. Buddhic substance is unconditional love.]

QUESTION: Masters, I asked you previously if my husband were a walk-in and you stated that he is. My questions are: 1) Where is my husband’s original being now, and can I have a message from him as he left me with many unanswered questions about his dark side? 2) Who is this walk-in soul? Is he a planetary being or another human incarnation? I was told by a human master that the walk-in is a buddhic energy form. Any other advice or encouragement the Masters can give to ease me forward in this life path is appreciated.   ~Dechen, Singapore

ANSWER: The soul that was the original occupant of your husband’s body has returned Home. He had completed all the lessons he came to Earth to learn. He was to die in an accident, and the current soul-occupant made an agreement with him to use the body he was about to discard so that he might begin this incarnation without having to go through all the trials and tribulations of birth, toddler, teen, etc.

Some of the original lessons of your husband were experiences with very strong negative influences. This is what you perceived as a dark side of him. He had chosen a rather short life because negativity is an intense scenario and he wanted to have just a short burst with time to incorporate the lessons slowly-but back Home. He wants you to know that he agreed to this switch so that you might have an agreeable companion for the current time.

The current occupant is a soul that has been on Earth many, many times. Not all walk-ins are buddhic in nature. It depends on the stage of their enlightenment and the reason they have chosen to enter life in this unusual manner. He is awakening rapidly, so time will tell if he can reach a buddhic level within this life span.

Continue to observe life and learn the lessons you have chosen and that are presented by others. Remain open to the energy flow and ride along for a good trip through this dimension.