Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Connecting with the beyond

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I believe that I could develop my ability to communicate with the spirit world as my deceased father sometimes talks to me unexpectedly. Do you think this is something I should do?             ~Phil, UK

ANSWER: You already are a channel; you are just having problems with your tuning. Your father has been around you for quite some time. He talks to you constantly but you are tuned in only part of the time. This is not necessarily a bad thing. You don’t want the radio blasting at you when you are engaged in other matters.

Connecting with the beyond takes the ability to be able to pick up the various vibrations emanating from the other side. Souls in different states of acclimation to Home have different wavelengths when they seek to connect. The receiver, or channel, must be tuned to that vibration in order to hear. This is the reason that a receiver may be able to communicate with certain souls and not with others.

Although it is possible for souls to get your attention when you are concentrating on other matters, generally you must be in an open, unoccupied state of being for them to make firm contact. A perfect receiving state can be achieved while  meditating, or while engaging in a repetitive motion which takes no thought.  These  states free your mind for other things, such as picking up vibrations from beyond.

Spending time talking to, helping, or receiving information from the other side is a freedom of choice issue. How do you feel about doing this? Do you feel you have the time to dedicate to this task? Does it create any fears or doubts in your mind? And if it does, do you feel this is something from which you may learn? The choice is yours!

Energy vortexes

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I am curious as to what´s happening here at our house. We have recently had some very strange experiences that we cannot explain naturally. Our gas grill has mysteriously “flown” twice off the terrace to the lawn a few yards away, and a strong plastic shelter lifted in the air by a sudden gust of wind, in calm weather, although the shelter was very tightly fastened. The shelter can normally stand a lot of stress. Is there a natural explanation to these phenomena or is there perhaps a spirit jesting with us?                 ~Anna, Finland

ANSWER: What you are experiencing in the area of the shelter is the opening of an energy vortex. Some normally stable vortexes are shifting because of the seismic activity on the planet at this time. When the energy gets confined under an immovable object it blows the blockage out of the way to release the pressure. Once released, it generally establishes a flow that moves in and around the objects, and no further eruptions occur.

Energy vortexes feel good to spirits that have refused to go Home or are stuck in Earth’s plane because of confusion. They are drawn to large amounts of energy and love vortexes in general because they are always free-flowing. The movement of your grill was assisted by several of these discarnates. Guides are watching over areas such as yours and the souls that were playing with your grill have been moved on. That does not mean that more may not appear before the energy stabilizes again.

Depending upon the further pressures on the planet, this vortex may or may not stay open in your garden. It may have some affect upon you and your family but the effects should be positive—if you are positive. The vortex also intensifies the mood of a person. A good mood becomes great and a bad mood may get horrible. Be aware of these possibilities. Within this energy, your intentions, such as from an affirmation, will be very strong. Bask in this situation of a pleasant energy boost.

Poisoning thoughts

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, is it possible for a living person to send thoughts into the mind of another living person with the intent to change the receiving person’s way of thinking or influence decisions? I have a feeling this has been done to me by a woman who feels threatened by my energy.    ~Angela, Australia

ANSWER: How much of your time do you spend wishing that something would occur or be true? You are sending thoughts out to those around you and trying to influence the flow of the energy coming to you. Some souls have a very strong, forceful flow of intention moving out from them. This is like a person who has a strong voice that may be heard over a great distance.

It is always possible for people to attempt to influence you. Every day, friends tell you what they think about the way you are doing something. Some try through intimidation to get you to accept their ideas. Media constantly implants thoughts in your head about products to purchase which they say you cannot live without.

Regardless of where the thoughts come from—a well-meaning friend, a marketing company, or this woman who seeks to destroy your energy—what happens is up to you. In each of these cases the effort to shape you must stand up to your freedom of choice to make it a part of your consciousness.

All these influences become part of your belief system. If you accept blindly what is inside your head, implanted from the outside, you are saying that those ideals should control your actions. If, instead, you question everything that you do unconsciously to see if it is really what you want to do, then you are controlling yourself. No one can control you without your permission. That does not stop someone from trying. Just deflect their shouting and make your own decisions.