Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Non-physical contact

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I have enjoyed your books very much and they make sense to me. I do have a couple of questions: First, can human beings be affected by spiritual “leeches”i.e., earthbound spirits or souls who have passed away but not returned home? If so, am I affected by them? Secondly, are crop circles communication from more advanced beings or some sort of guides from outer space?  ~Mika, China

ANSWER: Thank you for your kind words. Those souls currently in human form may be affected by discarnates—those who leave their body but don’t return Home. Everything is composed of energy, and souls wandering between the physical and their true essence need to find ways to replenish the energy they are using to stay between energetic layers. The only way they can get energy is by sucking it from those in full physical form. Many refer to these lost souls as energy vampires or spiritual leeches.

Souls who are working on finding their true essence, frequently called lightworkers, emanate a high level of energy that is preferred by leeches. Consider yourself a beacon which may be seen from a great distance. Like moths drawn to a flame which they cannot resist, you are a target for vampires. Your awareness of self has allowed you to keep them from permanently attaching but they come and feed at times like hungry mosquitoes. Until they get discouraged from not being able to get a free meal, start the practice of surrounding your body in white-gold light at least once a day. The leeches will not be able to see you in this glare.

Crop circles, other than those which are man made, are created by beings who are not of this physical cycle on the planet. Some are created by souls who have returned Home but still monitor the Earth and wish to help guide those who will listen by giving them scientific information. There are also souls in various guises who reside on other planets and want to be of service by leaving messages about happenings in the universe. All markings are left in friendship and good will.

Reassurance from Home

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, my very dear friend is seriously ill in a hospice with breast cancer. The night after we were told there was no hope for her I was at home alone. I went upstairs and the hall light came on very brightly. Nothing unusual in that you might say, but the light hasn’t worked for two years. I had tried to change the bulb several times and had given up on it. The light flickered, then very brightly lit up for about 20-30 seconds, went off and never came back on again.  This happened on the 12th of August at 9:50 pm. I don’t know if the time or date has anything to do with it. It was my maternal grandmother’s birthday though she died 25 years ago. I was very frightened when this happened and I asked a friend over as it sort of spooked me. If it was someone trying to tell me something I am afraid I might have scared them away as I was frightened, but as the days have gone by I am not scared and wish I could get another sign. What do you think this was?  ~Elizabeth, UK

ANSWER: Your grandmother wished to let you know that your friend was going to be all right after she returned Home. She knew you would make the connection with the date. She has tried on a number of other occasions to contact you and felt this time you would know the message came from beyond. You had decided that you would be a medium for messages at sometime in your life. The spirits have been waiting for the time when fear would not interfere.

You have the freedom of choice whether or not to allow contact and to what degree. If you are in agreement with being a conduit for their messages, then just open yourself to the energy coming from beyond. It is very important that you do not just open to everything but be specific as to what you will convey. You may, for instance, say you at first only wish to receive messages that come from people you know. Then you could expand into messages for all those whom you know. It could progress into a service, for hire, for anyone seeking information on loved ones. The possibilities are almost endless.

Remember there is absolutely no obligation involved with this choice. You may begin and end at any time. You may totally disregard everything that has been said here if you do not feel ready, or you may jump in with both feet and hit the ground running.

Life-between-life information

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Question: Masters, I recently had a life-between-lives (LBL) regression session which I found interesting and helpful, but which left me with many questions. Firstly, my soul stated that I am interested in the concept of power. I can see how that might mean a person’s ability to use our personal power to influence others or our environment or manifest our desires, but is there more to it than that? I believe that my soul group is also interested in this subject; does that mean that we incarnate together over the course of many lives in order to explore this particular theme over and over again? Secondly, my soul’s communication during this session was very succinct and explanations were very brief compared to other people’s experiences of inter-life regression that I have read. Is there a reason for this? Here’s hoping you can shed some light!                              ~ Viki, Switzerland

Answer: For our readers who are not familiar with the procedure you are asking about we will provide a short background. Using hypnosis and other means of obtaining a deeply relaxed state, the practitioner asks you to access memories from the planning stages for your current and past lives. This state allows the human body to disconnect from its usual reliance upon the thinking process of the mind and connect with the subconscious and unconscious awareness of the soul. It is similar to a hypnotic past-life regression where you recall what happened to you during a different incarnation, but with LBL you are remembering the time before the physical life began.

You and a group of your soul mates are conducting an extensive study of the concept of both physical and energetic power. It includes the segments of power that you mentioned but also the way souls use their own powers in everyday situations. Do they allow others to tell them what to do? Or do they assert themselves and take responsibility for their own actions? How much of your life is using your freedom of choice to learn? And how much is just following the crowd? How can you determine or feel when another person is taking your power away from you? Or how does it feel when you take another’s power?

You are what is known as an older soul—a soul who has had hundreds of life experiences. You do not need to be led by the hand to resonate with inner wisdom that during this incarnation you are hearing for the first time from your historic files (akaishic records). Your succinctness is your shorthand to trigger memories just below the consciousness that will affirm and remind you of your path.

Most of the accounts you have read that have been detail-packed were coming to souls who haven’t had as much experience as you. They have needed a remedial course just to use the information that is forthcoming. Of the written records you have seen, some also include multiple sessions which were needed for the individual to bring out all the necessary information.