Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Unwelcome visitor

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I think I have something attached to me. I feel it when I wake up. It is definitely not pleasant or my idea of fun. It is a presence which pins me down so that I cannot move. I feel chattering in my ear. I would not object to the other side if they didn’t make it so scary. How can I get back to my old self? I feel like I am going crazy. Not many people understand this.                                ~Katie USA

ANSWER: There are two causes for the phenomenon that you are experiencing. The first is the presence of a discarnate soul that has left its human body but has not moved back Home to unconditional love. These souls generally stick around because of their desire for revenge, hatred of a particular person, a love they do not want to leave, fear of the afterlife, or love of the power of the negative. These souls do not care how much they affect a person and become empowered by the fear of their victim.

They are attracted to a particular person to get even or cause havoc, or because they are confused. They perceive that an invitation of some sort was given to them by the victim. This may have been a direct statement made in ignorance: “I wish I knew what it was like to be a ghost.” “I wish Bert were still here.” The invitation also could have been issued in a semi-waking state at the end of a dream cycle. To revoke the visitor’s permit, one must tell the discarnate in no uncertain terms to depart.

The second circumstance where these sensations may occur, and which applies to your particular situation, is an out-of-body experience. At night you do not remain in your body; you leave a tiny connection to keep your body alive and then you go traveling. While the majority of your soul is out of your body it is communicating with other souls, friends, and advisors.

It is a frequent occurrence, especially when the body is awakened abruptly by a sound, that the conscious mind returns to the site of the body but does not enter it before there is awareness. The conscious mind is trying to get the physical body to move but the energy pack, the soul, has not been replaced and the body can’t move. You are still more in the non-physical than the physical so you are still able to hear communication from the other side. The words are not in language your human body can understand because spirits do not have vocal cords.

Experiencing this can be very frightening. You are unable to control your body, feeling that it is held down. You are in between two dimensions and your conscious mind is expecting just the usual physical surroundings. The next time that this happens, relax—do not fight the sensations. Observe what is occurring and you will become aware of your reentry to your body. When you are comfortable with this procedure you may even use it to travel out of body while you are awake. Many people have spent decades trying to do what you do naturally.

Empathic complications

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I am confused as to whether I am a natural-born empath or not…I remain confused due to the over-working of my analytical mind. I am on the brink of becoming a doctor, and I would like to know what I can do to help myself and the patients I will be dealing with in the future. How can I, as a doctor, help my patients medically and empathically without compromising myself? I suspect my abilities have caused me difficulties in the past coping with certain things. I was also told indirectly, by a psychic, that I need to be careful who I interact with due to my being like a ‘sponge’ that soaks up whatever energies are around me. The remark made no sense to me until recently. It was recommended that I take salt baths as frequently as possible. Are my energies very imbalanced? Please help, and guide me.   ~NPK,  Malaysia

ANSWER: All souls have the ability to reach out and feel the energy around them. If the person they are sensing is in other than a balanced condition, they may feel unbalanced as well. You are dedicating your life to reaching out and helping others. Having a sense of what is bothering a person that they may be unaware of is a great asset. You can sense the unspoken. This is non-physical and all of your training has focused only on the physical. Of course, you are having trouble differentiating the signals you are receiving.

How do you see acknowledging the non-physical as being a compromise of your life as a doctor? If you were the only sighted physician in your practice, would relying upon your sight compromise the work you are doing with your non-sighted associates? It would rather be a great boon to the practice. You wouldn’t have to tell them step by step why you are doing what you perceive that they cannot. You merely have to follow the needs you sense in the patient.

The problems you sensed in the past came mostly from your conscious mind wanting an explanation for what you were doing which did not result from prior conscious knowledge. If it works, is it necessary to know why it works? Can you explain electricity and how it lights a bulb? If you don’t understand all the aspects of the lamp are you going to remain in the dark?

What you have heard about being a sponge is true. When you totally open yourself to everything that is in a room, you will absorb all unless you filter and/or block it from entering you. This may be done using your intention. When you approach a situation, say something to the universe such as “I wish to feel this energy only so that I may help this patient. I do not need to feel the anxiety of his family. I do not want either to become a part of me.”

Whether you use your abilities is up to you. You have total freedom of choice. The decision to use or to block all is completely up to you. Nothing is right or wrong and you can change your mind at any time you wish. You will be a fantastic physician.

Fear of the Unknown

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, why do I fear death and spirits or ghosts so much? How can one be at peace with oneself?   ~Bibbio, Ireland

ANSWER: Your fears reflect your upbringing and the views of society, which have stuck with you both consciously and unconsciously. We call them belief systems. Most of the time you are unaware you are being affected by these rigid rules, even though they shape your life. Organized religions and society work on a basis of reward and punishment. If you don’t do what they tell you, you will be punished. In religion it is by going to hell. You start to fear death because you believe you will be judged by someone else’s requirements, so you feel the result is out of your hands.

Religions, and some societies too, feel that spirits are bad people who are caught in between Earth and hell, and should be avoided at all costs. You are threatened from an early age that the boogie man will get you if you are not good. You are told there are demons under your bed and in the closet—so go to bed and stay there. Is it any wonder that you have these fears?

To find peace, examine your fears. Take each thing, meditate upon it, and see what feelings come from inside of you. What do you associate with these thoughts? Then if you can put someone else’s face to the fear, give it back to that person and form your own opinions.

You are a soul who came from Source and returning there is called “going Home.” You don’t need to fear returning to Source, to your true essence. When you are between lives on Earth, you are in spirit form and wander around observing things. Don’t fear your fellow souls.