Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Taking control from attachments

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, I have an attachment which I am not able to get rid of. I have tried a few healers to no avail. Also, I worry that I am not able to see my past life. I went to several therapists, but nothing is working. ~Louise, Singapore

ANSWER: You give too much control of your life to others instead of trusting in your own abilities. Your attachment is not a negative one but rather an inquisitive entity. It is taking a lot of your strength because it is so curious to experience an Earthly body and wants to understand feelings, so it is tapping into yours. This entity is around because you gave it permission to hang out with you. This occurred when you mentioned that you had a need to be able to help others understand what this life is all about—feeling this would help you.

You will be able to release this attachment by revoking permission for it to be with you. This can be accomplished on your own, or with the help of a healer or a hypnotherapist. In each case it is necessary to access your higher self in the subconscious for your essence to talk to the being, thank it for the experience it has allowed you, and send it on its way.

One of the reasons that you have been unable to go into a past life is this attachment. It is aware of the fact that hypnosis takes you into your unconscious higher self, and it fears that once you are there you will tell it to move on. It is placing thoughts—of this inability to go deep enough out of conscious thought to reach your unconscious—in your head and you are seeing this as a limitation to moving forward. Know you have the ability to be in contact with yourself, and then do it!

Gathering of energies

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, when I was 3 or 4 years old, I started to speak to the spirits who were around me. My parents were so freaked out about what they called my increasingly darkening character they had someone block me from contacting the spirit world. Is the negative energy that I could not handle when I was young the reason why I am so bitter and judgmental? Or is it because I feel very strongly and am sensitive to energies? Or because I have a very old soul or perhaps even an angel soul and can’t stand the way people choose to live when they’re here? I feel very strongly that I came here to experience life again to enjoy things. Is this the case?      ~Delano, Netherlands

ANSWER: You first began to talk to friends on the Other Side as a child. Their energy drew negative discarnate energies into the conversation. You were unable to distinguish between the two types of energy. It was more fun to interact with the more apparently physical souls who, in your case, were the negative forces that remained behind, developing your darkening character. Your parents, out of their concern, had these negative energies blocked from influencing you. However, this has no direct connection with your current daily issues.

Bitterness, negative judgment, intolerance—none of these is an attribute of an old soul. A pure soul watches the foibles of the physical world, learns from them, and does not have a visceral reaction to the dark energies. You, like all incarnate beings, came to Earth to experience life in all its possibilities. These include learning what is in balance and what needs to be balanced—but only within yourself.

One of your major lessons in this lifetime is to learn about third-dimensional energies and their appearance of seeming to be in the higher dimensions. Duality, your own negative and positive, exists only within the third dimension. To raise your vibration out of conflict you need to be able to see situations as things to evaluate and not to judge. You can only make decisions for yourself. You cannot influence the actions of others. It takes time away from your journey to be concerned about the lives of others. Go inside and see why you are feeling these strong emotions. They are signposts of lessons you have not completed.

Bringing non-physical aspects into awareness

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, I have a few questions: 1. I saw the sphinx flying around about 10 yrs ago. What was the point of my seeing it as a living entity? 2. I have serious money issues; it seems nothing I do to get money works. Can you give me any kind of advice? 3. How do I open my 3rd eye? Communicate with spirits? Practice magic, etc.? 4. What is my purpose for being here?                              ~Roderick, USA

ANSWER: As much as you yearn for contact with non-physical entities outside yourself, you fear and doubt their existence. The sphinx apparition was to show you that there is much more than the limited physical world and its third-dimensional plane, the solid stuff. You have needed a physical manifestation as validation in order to readily accept and believe that something exists.

You are so much more than you think. The first step to reach any of the results you seek is faith in your own powers. If you can accept that you have the abilities you seek—from making money, to communicating with spirits, to creating realities—you will find you in fact can do these things with little difficulty. The sphinx energy dropped by to let you get an appreciation for what you were missing by being so closed to your essential power.

Before anything else you need to banish negativity from your world. Anytime “I can’t do that” pops up, replace it with “I have the ability to do that.” You then need the five stages of inner knowledge we often cite; follow them to achieve your definition of success: accept, believe, know, do, become.

Your purpose in life is to learn and understand about the essence of yourself. Use these tools and you will get what you seek, both on this physical plane and on your spiritual life-lesson journey.