Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Out of body experience

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

QUESTION: Years ago I was seeking spiritual wisdom. At an intense time in this search I had the most awe-inspiring dream. My guide came to get me and we were watching the most beautiful naked woman with long hair draped around her. She was suspended in mid-air, arms reaching upwards and rotating slowly clockwise. She was being bathed in an opalescent, sparkling light, and she looked so at peace.  I turned to my guide to ask about the meaning in this exercise, and in a flash I became the woman who was before us. The light energies danced and penetrated my body. I watched and felt pure bliss, being filled with a love so strong that it is something I will never forget. The meaning of this experience truly evades me, but the experience never will. Is there a higher meaning in this experience?   ~Teddy, Canada 22/x

ANSWER: Welcome to the feel of the universe! Energy is everything and everything is energy. All the energy outside of the physical is Source energy, existing in a realm of unconditional love. When a soul spends time out of its body, in its true state, it is surrounded by that unconditional love. There is absolutely no negativity here. No fear, darkness, nor even doubt!

Your physical senses were being exposed to the sensations of your essence. Normally, while between lives, you do not have a form (body), but it was feared you would freak out if your consciousness perceived you as a mass of energy without form. The transition from observer to participant was also calculated to ease you into that state. Another learning experience was that you live some lives in a gender other than your current one.

The entire exercise was to try to awaken a sense of the essence of self as you truly exist. This is still a lesson being played out, as you have not allowed yourself to accept the possibility that this was an actual experience and not just a dream. The soul is free to travel easily to any locale or dimension when the shell (body) is in a sleep—or even just a relaxed—state.

Allow yourself to return to that experience in a meditation, or just as you go to sleep or awaken. Embrace all of the energy around you. Reach out in that state for the other souls who are there. They are just part of the overall energy. Establish communication with them and learn about that state of being. You will definitely not regret the time you spend.

Automatic communications

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, recently, while in a relaxed state, my hands took on a life of their own. It was like some sort of sign language coming through my hands. It was really very fast and really strange. I found that I could stop and start the phenomenon at will. Do you have any explanation of what this was? A friend recorded this on video, too.   ~Julia, UK

ANSWER: All souls have lived many lives in human form; they all have memories of what they did and what they learned as a result. Throughout many lifetimes you have been a communicator. It has been your job to record and convey information in many different ways and through many different languages. This need to communicate is surfacing. Your relaxed state was like a meditation, allowing your higher self, or unconscious self, to come out and control one of the means you possess for delivering messages to others, and to your present self as well—your hands.

Your hands were alternating through two forms of communication. The first was a form of sign language that you have employed in the past to allow those in hearing-challenged bodies to understand your teachings. The second was more your own recording process for cataloging your journey. Had you placed a writing instrument in your dominant hand you would have seen automatic writing develop.

May we suggest that you allow this to become a part of your life and a way you may always be in contact with your higher self. When you are in a meditative state, or first thing in the morning, or last thing at night, place a pen or pencil in your writing hand and let it rest on a piece of paper and ask, “What is it that is important for me to know or remember?” Then let it have its own way and see what happens.

What appears at first may not be readable. It may come in another form of language than you currently use. If this happens, ask your higher self to make the information such that you may understand its nature and be able to learn from it. The most important thing is have fun with this. Have no expectations that might divert you from being totally open.

Awakening the kundalini

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, is kundalini energy dangerous? What should you do if someone thinks they might have got this after some yoga exercise (tingling sensation in hands and feet and on head and warmth feeling under feet and sometimes faster heartbeat)?  ~Erika, Sweden

ANSWER: The Kundalini or kundalini energy is life-source energy, directly connected to your essence and, therefore, to the oneness of Source. To tap into this energy is the lifelong dream of mystics and aspiring masters. The name comes from the Sanskrit meaning coiled, sometimes translated as snake. This refers to the fact that it remains coiled within the physical body until it is awakened through intention or by stimulation of some sort. Yoga practices, meditation, psychotropic drugs, and other means may cause it to uncoil and rise unbidden.

Since it is so powerful, it can affect the senses in all kinds of ways, from the ones you describe, to out-of-body experiences and psychic expansion. With discipline, the kundalini energy may be brought under control and used to connect to Source energy, your soul essence, and the unconditional love of the universe, generally called “bliss.”

Kundalini energy is only dangerous when people get freaked out by its appearance and fight the effects. There may be a psychic break from third-dimensional reality, causing difficulties with everyday life. If they relax and meditate on these new, enlarged feelings, they will learn to control when it is active and how far it transports them into the other dimensions. If you suspect or are aware that the kundalini is causing you discomfort, you may use your intention to push it back into a coiled, non-reactive state.