Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Psychic clarity

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, I love and care for someone very much. At present we are not communicating at all. I have had incredible visions of love and a life together. At various times my psychic, metaphysical, or spiritual voices have indicated that we will be together and at other times not. I know I am on an incredible journey of self-discovery and, possibly, mastery. I need to know the importance of her in my life. Also, what are the blockages to my consistent and accurate psychic sensitivity and healing channel abilities? Where am I in knowing, understanding, and accepting my life’s purpose and direction? What am I to do? As I am seeking my spiritual center I know there are layers to these questions. ~Barry, US

ANSWER: First premise of the soul’s journey: You are always where you are supposed to be when you are there. As you go through the human process, it is directed by the choices you make at the moment, not something you determined before coming to Earth.

You are a “wannabe”—not an unusual thing for a human. You see or read about something and you want to be that person or be able to do that thing. You have therefore developed a belief system of already being in tune with nature and the universe and therefore always right. The problem is that you know this is not true because you are having trouble getting your imagination and dreams to match what is happening to you and around you.

Strong beliefs can feel absolutely right to you. You have created a fantasy world about this person and she hardly knows you exist. Spending time thinking about her has equated to reality in you but is nothing more than a fantasy world, like celebrity worship.

The blockages you are experiencing have to do with the fact that you never completely shut down your thinking mind when you are trying to connect with the non-physical energies. Your mind makes its own interpretation of what is happening instead of letting the spirits and your higher self give you a picture of the action. Dreaming by itself will not make something happen.

This person is in your life for you to realize what you are creating is imagination, when you think you are manifesting. Intention is the key to producing something with which you can physically interact. Spend time on meditating until you reach the silence where there is no interference. Then let your higher self inform you what you had planned for this lifetime.

Opening a dialogue

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, about 4 yrs ago I entered an Air Force base graveyard to take digital photos. Spirits and cloudlike masses appeared on the photos. While I was there, something moved through me and into my camera, raising the hairs on my body. The camera was destroyed because it would photograph these images even during the daylight. After this experience, I started seeing colored orbs with rings inside them, also faces, people, babies in bonnets, and soldiers in uniform. That eventually stopped. Then I started to hear voices in my left ear, then right. Some of the voices were kind, said they were there to help me. Other voices said they were demonic. All nonsense. I stopped dialoguing with them. I now just totally refuse to tune into the voices, but at times they come to chatter at me. Why has this happened to me? Did I open a doorway? What is the process of bathing in white gold light? ~Janice, USA

ANSWER: It is possible to open a dialogue with souls that are stuck between the physical dimension and the comfort of Home where all souls reside. When you entered the graveyard you did so with a curiosity about what you could discover. You asked the universe, “What’s here?” and it showed you. You extended an invitation to the souls to make them self visible to you. This is a doorway between the dimensions.

We disagree that it is all nonsense; these souls are trying to get answers for their current state of affairs. Some are unaware that they have passed away and need to be helped to understand that they can go home. Those that have followed you are the ones that were bored hanging around the graves and used you to see something new. Some of these souls are just confused and mean no harm, and some are negative forces that wish to control and create fear.

The orbs are something different. They are the form that souls who are already at Home use to be seen on Earth. They have a very positive and loving energy. Some of them are trying to help the lost souls get Home. You have no obligation to have anything to do with these souls unless you desire.

You may start by telling them that they are uninvited from interacting with you. If you wish to help any of the souls you may direct them to find the light and follow it back Home. The negative souls just want energy from you and it would take some work to get them to move on.

White gold light, is the light of Home. You  may envision it as surrounding yourself and those around you. Negativity cannot pass through a strong shell of this light. You may also ask your personal guides to assist these lost souls on their voyage Home.

Accepting and opening

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, lately I have been searching and thinking on how and where to begin my spiritual journey. I have attended several talks and have read several books about elemental beings, angels, spiritual guides, shamanic practice, Wicca, and “Conversations with God”. I also want to heal, and I signed up for an Angelic Reiki seminar. Ever since I started reading these books, especially the ones about angels, I think I can feel them more around me and guiding me. I get a tingly sensation around my face and body when I think of them or talk to them in my mind. I don’t hear any answers in my head but I really do feel like they are there. Am I just imagining this? I need your advice on where to begin. Is the Reiki course a good start for me?  ~Angie, Singapore

ANSWER: We have entitled your question and our answer as “accepting and opening.” From the day your soul entered into the physical body that you now call home, you have been on a spiritual journey of discovery and learning. As with all souls, the first years of your life were involved with the completely ego-based physical lessons you sought to understand. As you became more aware of the fact that you are much more than that physical body, you felt the urge to learn who you are and what abilities and powers you have at your disposal.

The more you open yourself to the feel of the energy that comprises the universe around you, the more you can sense, feel, and interact with all the other souls who are not currently in human form. Your guides and many friends make up this group that accompanies you. They are ecstatic about your progress in establishing contact with them. Their presence is what you feel.

You are an older soul who has lived many lifetimes. A number of your prior experiences have dealt with various areas of healing, hence your being drawn to those interests. Whatever you choose to study, accept that you are a part of the energy and open yourself to the flow you will be able to feel. Don’t get too tied down by ritual—rely instead on your intuition which is opening up. Have a fun time!