Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Timing of manifestation

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, I have recently experienced a shift in consciousness and I now listen and allow my intuition to guide me. I am currently unemployed and have found a job advertised that I feel is meant for me as it perfectly fits a position I visualized not long ago. I will apply next week but the start date is not for another month or so, and having been unemployed a while I am quickly getting myself into debt. Am I doing the right thing by waiting for this position? ~Marianne, UK

ANSWER: Let us understand your dilemma: you have just manifested exactly what you want, and because of the timing you are going to blow off your perfect job? This shift in consciousness didn’t include getting out of your own way by leaving judgment behind. You are in a layer of vibration where your intuition will allow you to have the universe assist you with your needs. Allow it to do just that.

Go with the flow. Continue to manifest and take advantage of what you bring to yourself. Have faith in yourself that you will be all right without having to rely on the judgments society makes about security. Security is an illusion, because anything physical can be gone in a moment and you can’t take any of it into the next dimension.

Part of this next phase is to believe in your feelings. Get out of your head, which is populated by society’s ideals, and get into your heart, which is your true essence. Ask always, what do I feel about this? Not, what do I think about this?

Bringing in doubt brings in negativity and sabotages the intention you put into your manifestation. Whenever you sense doubt, fear, or a negative statement, immediately stop what you are doing. Go to that thought and tear it apart down to the point of origin, and then see that you do not need this interference in your life. Use your new abilities to move forward in a smooth fashion.

Unwelcome occupants

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, I am a spa owner and all employees but me see strange things going on in the spa. They see some creature in white, sometimes in black, and the opening and closing of doors when nobody is present. I don’t know what to do. Please give me some advice. I am desperate.  ~Jadranka, USA

ANSWER: Your shop has some negative energies that are hanging around the discarnate soul who is calling your place “home.” This soul, a lady, is not ready to move on yet. She is very sensitive and feels that you would not understand her, so she has not made any effort to be seen by you; in other words, you scare her. Strange, you say, that a ghost can be scared by a human? Not so; when the departed do not know or accept they are deceased, they will stay away from strong energies out of fear.

When people die and their souls do not go back to the unconditional love that we call Home, holding themselves here causes negative energy. Negativity attracts additional negativity. In your spa, your clients bring in a lot of negative energy that is causing them problems they seek to have you remove. That energy is then staying around instead of dissipating.

The first step is to chase away the negative energy. This can be done with candles, incense, or sage. Negative energy flees from the flames and the smell. Also have your practitioners consciously shake off the energies they receive from their clients so they do not spread it around. If they are feeling “heavy,” suggest they take a salt bath or shower to remove the residue.

Second is to get your occupant to move on. She died in the vicinity of your spa many years ago. It occurred during a storm when her house was struck by lightning and burned down. Her child was trapped inside with her and died as well. The child moved on, but she is still looking for her.

If you (or someone you know) can speak to the deceased, talk to the lady and convince her she is dead. You may call for her daughter to come from the other side to prove that she is all right, then she can accompany her mother Home. Once she has gone into the light there will be no more doors slamming or visions of her wandering. She does not mean to harm or frighten anyone.

Was that an out-of-body trip?

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

QUESTION: Masters, every now and then I get what seems to be an out-of-body (OBE) experience. When it happens, I can direct myself to roll out of the bed and find myself floating. Most of the time the surroundings are dark. Sometimes when I am able to “see” the surroundings, I seem to be in my living room. It is very dark, like at night. But when I wake up in a short while I find that it’s already afternoon or late morning. Was I in physical time-space during my short journeys or in a dreamscape generated by my mind?  ~Y.W., Singapore

ANSWER: There are a number of things happening here. You have had out-of-body travels, but you are only remembering part of the experience because most of them are starting during a dream cycle. What you remember seems to be a short journey, yet the passage of time has been sufficient to enter the late morning or early afternoon.

The darkness is an indication of the fact that these travels are beginning during the nighttime hours. When an OBE begins within sleep, it is more difficult to direct yourself because your unconscious is in control at that time. To experience control over these trips, you need to begin within a meditation, just as you awaken or just as you start to fall asleep.

As to physical time/space, your body always remained in the time/space in which it began. The consciousness which allowed you to see other locations was partially within the physical, permitting your ability to see physical things, but not always in the same time in which you began the journey. This was the reason you became consciously aware again so far in the future.

Part of the time you were just experiencing dreams generated by your imagination, past experiences, and remembrance of things in which you always wished to be involved. The human mind carries on tasks from the day which can incorporate items you have read, programs or movies you have seen, or incidents in which you have taken part.

If you wish to experience OBEs, start with a quiet entry where you ease your awareness out of the constraints of your body into the space above. From there, allow your intention to direct your viewing to an area for observation. Don’t force the process or try to push the speed with which you separate from the physical. Not everyone can project themselves out of their body. But, practice does make perfect.